ANCD: new members announced by Government

Press release from the ANCD:


The Federal Government today announced the new membership of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD).

Prime Minister Julia Gillard welcomed the addition of several new members to the ANCD who will bring fresh perspectives on ways to reduce harm caused by alcohol and drug misuse.

They will join a number of experienced members at the ANCD – which will continue to be chaired by Dr John Herron.

The ANCD has played a crucial role as the Australian Government’s principal advisory body on licit and illicit drugs since its establishment in 1998.

Members of the ANCD come from a wide variety of backgrounds and have experience in areas covering law enforcement, the health and social welfare sectors and the community sector.

The ANCD brings a broad, whole-of-society perspective to drug and alcohol issues.

It has helped shape several Government strategies and campaigns which have succeeded in reducing the rate of smoking and illicit drug use.

The Prime Minister said ANCD members, past and present, have made a valuable contribution in tackling the issues behind drug and alcohol misuse.

The Council’s membership will next be reviewed in 2014.

15 APRIL 2011

PRESS OFFICE (02) 6277 7744


The following people have been appointed to the ANCD (2011-2014):
* Indicates new members
Chair of the Council
Dr John Herron

Executive Members
Associate Professor Robert Ali
Professor Margaret Hamilton
Mr Garth Popple

Ms Donna Ah Chee *
Professor Steve Allsop *
Professor Jon Currie *
Ms Carrie Fowlie *
Magistrate Margaret Gill Harding *
Mr Nick Heath *
Ms Annie Madden *
Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan *
Mr Frank Quinlan (ex officio) *
Professor Dorothy Scott *
Assistant Commissioner Julian Slater *
Ms Sheree Vertigan (ex officio)
Mr Paul White *
Associate Professor Ted Wilkes

ANCD Terms of Reference 2011–2014

Provide independent advice to the Prime Minister and Australian Government Ministers on national drug and alcohol strategies, policies, programs and emerging issues.
Provide independent advice to the Prime Minister and the Australian Government on improving the implementation and effectiveness of efforts to reduce the supply, demand and harm from drugs in Australia and internationally.
Provide independent and strategic advice to the Prime Minister and Australian Government Ministers on drug and alcohol issues specifically affecting Indigenous people.
Provide assistance and advice on drug policy and services to Australian Government departments, inquiries and other bodies such as parliamentary parties, as appropriate.
Consult and liaise with relevant sectors and in particular the non-government sector on drug and alcohol related issues.
Inform and educate relevant sectors and the general public’s knowledge on drug and alcohol related issues.
Build and maintain partnerships across the range of sectors concerned in dealing with and addressing drug related issues.
Work closely with the Inter-governmental Committee on Drugs and other National Drug Strategy partners to develop and implement effective strategies, policies and programs to reduce the uptake and misuse of illicit and licit drugs.
Maintain effective liaison with other stakeholders, public health advisory bodies and relevant peak non-government organisations, including consumer representatives.
Develop a three year Work Plan for the Council.
Report annually to the Prime Minister on the work of the Council.