Hepatitis C: ‘Bloody Serious Facts’ seminar

Wednesday the 9th of November, 10.00 to 1.00pm

Bloody Serious Facts:
Hepatitis C and what you should know

Cost: $22.00 per person

This workshop is suitable for drug and alcohol workers, nurses, NSP workers, community health staff, students of health professions, prison staff and welfare workers. No prior knowledge is assumed.
The session is divided into three parts.
The first part will outline the basic facts of hepatitis C, how it differs from hep A & B, psycho-social issues, and OH&S.
The second part will focus on the impact and meaning of hepatitis C for people who inject drugs.
The last part will look at testing and treatment options for hepatitis C

Suite 5, 200 Sydney Road, Brunswick – Melways ref 29 G9

Nth Coburg Tram Route no. 19: Stop 20.
Upfield Train Line: Jewell Station Stop

Parking off Edward St $1.00 per hour or two hour parking in the side streets.

To register, Ring the front office on 9380 4644 or fax 9380 4688.
email: admin@hepvic.org.au