Hep C: Take Control
is a six week group program run by Hepatitis Victoria. In a supportive group environment, participants will work together to share skills and develop strategies to better manage their condition and improve their symptoms.Some topics to be covered are:
· Better management of hepatitis C and liver-related health problems
· Treatment and dealing with side effects
· Working effectively with doctors and other health professionals
· Making healthy lifestyle changesHep C: Take Control is suitable for anyone with hepatitis C, or for those who have successfully cleared the virus, but are experiencing ongoing health effects. There will be an emphasis on respecting the privacy and confidentiality of participants.
Bookings are essential as the courses are very popular and fill up quickly!
Where: Hepatitis Victoria office, Suite 5, 200 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Date: Starting Wednesday November 2nd (final session Wednesday December 7th)
Time: 6.00pm – 8.00pm
RSVP by 26th OctoberIf you are interested in taking part in the six week program, would like to refer someone, or would like find out more about Hep C: Take Control, phone the Hepatitis Infoline on 1800 703 003 or email Louisa Walsh, Hep C: Take Control program coordinator – Louisa@hepvic.org.au