FASD: interesting video


A link to a Youtube video with Dr Phillip May discussing his latest research with general population studies in schools to determine the prevalence of FASD. His research shows that FAS affects between two to seven per one thousand and the full spectrum of FASD affects between two to seven percent of entire school populations, which is substantially higher than previous estimates.


Philip May , is Professor/Senior Research Scientist, Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA) and Professor of Family and Community Medicine University New Mexico., He is a highly respected researcher in his field and was a keynote speaker at the 4th International Conference on FASD held in Vancouver in March this year.

One thought on “FASD: interesting video

  1. Karen

    That video of Dr. May was really good. I’ve been interested in his research for the past couple of years. Thanks for sharing.

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