Walking a Tightrope

A Launch Invitation



Please find attached an invitation to the launch of an important new resource, Walking a Tightrope. The Hon. Kevin Humphries, MP will launch this new resource at


12.45pm, Monday 14 April, 2014 in the Parliament House Theatrette, 6 Macquarie St, Sydney.


Walking a Tightrope is a comprehensive resource for people who have a family member who uses both alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and violence in their relationships. The resource has been produced through a partnership between FDS and NCETA.


The launch will followed by a FREE Workshop from 2.00pm to 4.00pm covering:

  • why the resource was developed
  • the prevalence of co-occurring AOD use and family violence
  • the challenges of working with AOD and family violence
  • how the resource can be used in a range of situations
  • strategies and guidance on working with clients with co-occurring AOD and family violence issues.


The workshop will be presented by Tony Trimingham and Michael White. Tony Trimingham OAM, is the CEO, Family Drug Support (FDS) an organisation he founded to assist families after the fatal overdose of his son Damien. FDS is primarily a volunteer organisation that supports families affected by AOD problems.  Michael White is Senior Project Manager – Workforce Development, at NCETA. Michael has more than 20 years’ experience in the community sector implementing workforce development strategies.


To book a place please RSVP by email to nceta@flinders.edu.au  indicating your interest in attending  the launch, workshop or both by 7 April, 2014. Include ‘Booking for Sydney Walking a Tightrope event’ in the subject line of your email. If making a group booking please include the name, organisation and phone number of all attendees. Please feel free to circulate this invitation to colleagues.


Following the launch, electronic copies of the resource may be downloaded from the NCETA website: www.nceta.flinders.edu.au.


Hard copies can be ordered from NCETA by:

You can also order copies from Family Drug Support at www.fds.org.au or admin@fds.org.au.


We hope to see you at this important national launch. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Michael White on 08 8201 7537 if you have any questions in relation to this matter.


Please distribute this invite to your networks.


Yours sincerely,


Professor Ann Roche


National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction

Flinders University

GPO Box 2100

Adelaide SA 5001

