From the team at CREIDU:
The Centre for Research Excellence into Injecting Drug Use (CREIDU) is excited to announce the publication of our newest policy brief, titled ‘Opioid pharmacotherapy fees: A long-standing barrier to treatment entry and retention’. The brief has been co-authored by Sarah Lord, Jenny Kelsall, Amy Kirwan and Trevor King, as a collaboration between CREIDU and Harm Reduction Victoria, who are key members of CREIDU. The brief outlines some of the issues faced by individuals utilising medication assisted treatment for opioid dependence (MATOD), who are required to pay substantial fees to access a place in a treatment program. These fees are a significant barrier to treatment access, retention and optimal outcomes. The brief outlines the evidence relating to MATOD and dispensing fees and offers suggestions for addressing the issue.
We invite you to view and download the policy brief here