Sydney MSIC Safer Injecting Workshop
Are you looking to enhance your skills in relation to working with people who inject drugs?
Do you want to be able to offer the best Harm minimisation advice? Then book yourself
onto the Safer Injecting Workshop run by the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre
30th November 2015 (9am ‐ 4.30pm)
Cost: $200
Lunch and light refreshments provided.
This workshop is aimed at workers or volunteers currently working with people who inject
drugs and who have some level of training and/or experience. The workshop provides a
sound foundation to consolidate existing knowledge for those wishing to expand their skills
in providing safer injecting advice. This workshop is a full day course and aims to offer
participants an understanding of:
Safer injecting practices including high risk injecting and related problems
Performance and image‐enhancing drugs (steroids)
Drug filtration (particularly opioid tablets) for injection with a practical
demonstration using wheel filters
An introduction to opioid overdose identification and management
Sydney MSIC trainers are in a unique position to offer you interactive and specialised
training in the field of injecting drug use. Our training packages provide you with knowledge,
skills and confidence to empower you to work effectively with people who use drugs.
Training packages are interactive, engaging and give workers the chance to ask the
questions they’ve always wanted to ask but were too afraid to…….
All participants can elect to attend an early morning tour of the service prior to the
training start time. This tour commences at 8.30am. Please indicate if you wish to attend
this at time of booking.
For a registration form to book a place on this course, please email:
NB: The closing date for applications is two
weeks prior to the course date