Author Archives: James

World Health Organisation: Hep C Treatment Guidelines

LONDON ¦ 9 April 2014 – The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued its first guidance for the treatment of hepatitis C, a chronic infection that affects an estimated 130 million to 150 million people and results in 350 000 to 500 000 deaths a year.

The publication of the WHO Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection coincides with the availability of more effective and safer oral hepatitis medicines, along with the promise of even more new medicines in the next few years.

“The WHO recommendations are based on a thorough review of the best and latest scientific evidence,” says Dr Stefan Wiktor, who leads WHO’s Global Hepatitis Programme. “The new guidance aims to help countries to improve treatment and care for hepatitis and thereby reduce deaths from liver cancer and cirrhosis.”

WHO will be working with countries to introduce the guidelines as part of their national treatment programmes. WHO support will include assistance to make the new treatments available and consideration of all possible avenues to make them affordable for all. WHO will also assess the quality of hepatitis laboratory tests and generic forms of hepatitis medicines.

“Hepatitis C treatment is currently unaffordable to most patients in need. The challenge now is to ensure that everyone who needs these drugs can access them,” says Dr Peter Beyer, Senior Advisor for the Essential Medicines and Health Products Department at WHO. “Experience has shown that a multi-pronged strategy is required to improve access to treatment, including creating demand for treatment. The development of WHO guidelines is a key step in this process.”

The new guidelines make nine key recommendations. These include approaches to increase the number of people screened for hepatitis C infection, advice as to how to mitigate liver damage for those who are infected and how to select and provide appropriate treatments for chronic hepatitis C infection.

Screening: WHO recommends a screening test for those considered at high risk of infection, followed by another test for those who screen positive, to establish whether they have chronic hepatitis C infection.

Mitigating liver damage: Since alcohol use can accelerate liver damage caused by hepatitis C, WHO now advises that people with chronic hepatitis C infection receive an alcohol assessment. The Organization also recommends providing counseling to reduce alcohol intake for people with moderate or high alcohol use. In addition, the guidelines provide advice on the selection of the most appropriate test to assess the degree of liver damage in those with chronic hepatitis C infection.

Treatment: The guidelines provide recommendations on existing treatments based on interferon injections as well as the new regimens that use only oral medicines. WHO will update recommendations on drug treatments periodically as additional antiviral medicines are registered on the market and new evidence emerges.

Prevention: The 2014 recommendations also summarize for policy makers and health care workers interventions that should be put in place to prevent transmission of hepatitis C, including measures to assure the safety of medical procedures and injections in health care settings and among persons who inject drugs. Rates of new hepatitis C infections remain unacceptably high in many countries because of the reuse of injection equipment and lack of screening of blood transfusions.

“Many people remain unaware – sometimes for decades – that they are infected with hepatitis C,” says Dr Andrew Ball, Senior Advisor for Policy, Strategy and Equity for WHO’s HIV/AIDS Department where the Global Hepatitis Programme is housed. “Today’s launch highlights the need for more awareness and education on hepatitis for the general public. Greater awareness on the risks associated with hepatitis C should lead to a demand for services and expansion of laboratory capacity and clinical services so that more people can be tested, treated and cured.”

There are five main hepatitis viruses, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis B and C have the greatest public health impact because they cause chronic infection which can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis A and E, spread though unsafe water and contaminated food, have the potential to cause outbreaks in certain populations.

Hepatitis C virus is most commonly transmitted through exposure to contaminated blood. Those at risk include people undergoing invasive medical procedures and therapeutic injections where there is poor infection control. Also at risk are those exposed to contaminated injecting and skin piercing equipment, including through injecting drug use, tattooing and body piercing.

The WHO Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection were launched on the eve of the opening of the 2014 International Liver Congress, attended by around 10 000 delegates in London.

Jobs: Project Officer – Sydney

Family Drug Support (FDS) is a caring, non-religious organisation which provides non-judgmental, non-directive support and information for families and friends of drug and/or alcohol users across Australia. Support services and programmes for families of drug dependents are recognised gaps in most drug treatment services.  Since 1977, Family Drug Support has successfully provided programmes in this area. 

Family Drug Support is seeking a Project Officer for our Bridging the Divide Project 3.5 days per week.

The role is to create partnerships with drug treatment services to increase their capacity to work effectively with families.   The primary aim is to improve the efficacy of drug treatment by involving and supporting families of the drug user.

Location of position:  situated in Sydney and covering Southern and Western NSW incorporating South, West and  inner Sydney and the ACT.


Key activities

–          Create partnerships with treatment services

–          Liaise with drug treatment services and assist them to identify skills and capacities in working with families and carers of those in treatment that need enhancement.

–          Establish family support groups

–          Provide counselling for families

–          Run group counselling for families

–          Provide comprehensive training for workers in treatment services to provide the above services

–          Deliver Stepping Forward programs

–          Deliver Stepping Stones to Success programs

Desirable qualifications:

–          Tertiary qualifications in psychology, social work or other relevant social science.

–          Participation in relevant workforce development activities

–          Membership in relevant professional associations (e.g. APS.AASW, APSAD). 

Walking a Tightrope

A Launch Invitation



Please find attached an invitation to the launch of an important new resource, Walking a Tightrope. The Hon. Kevin Humphries, MP will launch this new resource at


12.45pm, Monday 14 April, 2014 in the Parliament House Theatrette, 6 Macquarie St, Sydney.


Walking a Tightrope is a comprehensive resource for people who have a family member who uses both alcohol and other drugs (AOD) and violence in their relationships. The resource has been produced through a partnership between FDS and NCETA.


The launch will followed by a FREE Workshop from 2.00pm to 4.00pm covering:

  • why the resource was developed
  • the prevalence of co-occurring AOD use and family violence
  • the challenges of working with AOD and family violence
  • how the resource can be used in a range of situations
  • strategies and guidance on working with clients with co-occurring AOD and family violence issues.


The workshop will be presented by Tony Trimingham and Michael White. Tony Trimingham OAM, is the CEO, Family Drug Support (FDS) an organisation he founded to assist families after the fatal overdose of his son Damien. FDS is primarily a volunteer organisation that supports families affected by AOD problems.  Michael White is Senior Project Manager – Workforce Development, at NCETA. Michael has more than 20 years’ experience in the community sector implementing workforce development strategies.


To book a place please RSVP by email to  indicating your interest in attending  the launch, workshop or both by 7 April, 2014. Include ‘Booking for Sydney Walking a Tightrope event’ in the subject line of your email. If making a group booking please include the name, organisation and phone number of all attendees. Please feel free to circulate this invitation to colleagues.


Following the launch, electronic copies of the resource may be downloaded from the NCETA website:


Hard copies can be ordered from NCETA by:

You can also order copies from Family Drug Support at or


We hope to see you at this important national launch. Please do not hesitate to contact me or Michael White on 08 8201 7537 if you have any questions in relation to this matter.


Please distribute this invite to your networks.


Yours sincerely,


Professor Ann Roche


National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction

Flinders University

GPO Box 2100

Adelaide SA 5001


Deakin University & Turning Point special presentation- Professor Beau Kilmer

Deakin University & Turning Point are pleased to announce the following presentations on Friday 9th May, 2014 by Professor Beau Kilmer

1.00pm- Design considerations for legalizing cannabis: Starting with the Eight Ps

The cannabis policy landscape is changing rapidly. In November 2012 voters in Colorado and Washington State passed legalization initiatives to allow commercial production, distribution, and possession of cannabis for nonmedical purposes; not even the Netherlands goes that far. For-profit retail marijuana outlets opened in Colorado on January 1, 2014 and are scheduled to open in Washington later in the year. In December 2013, Uruguay made history by becoming the first country in the world to remove the prohibition on cannabis and begin experimenting with legalization. This presentation does not address whether cannabis should be legal; it instead focuses on eight design choices that will shape the consequences of cannabis legalization: Production, profit motive, promotion, prevention, potency, purity, price, and permanency.

2.30pm- A New approach to reducing drunk driving, domestic violence & other alcohol-related problems: Insights from South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program

South Dakota has undertaken a radical policy experiment to reduce alcohol consumption among driving under the influence offenders (DUI) and other individuals in the criminal justice system with alcohol problems. South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program (hereafter, 24/7) requires that offenders submit to breathalyzer tests twice per day or wear a continuous alcohol monitoring device. Those testing positive or missing a test face an immediate, but brief, jail term. From 2005 through mid-2012, more than 21,000 24/7 Sobriety participants racked up almost 3.4 million days without a detected alcohol violation. Perhaps more impressive is that the proportion of breath tests ordered and passed exceeded 99%, and this includes failures and no-shows in the denominator. 24/7 Sobriety is getting some of the most problematic drinkers in the state to sharply cut back on their alcohol consumption. Even if most individuals stay in the program for less than six months, 24/7 is having a noticeable effect on public health and public safety in South Dakota. RAND is conducting an independent evaluation of 24/7 and I will present findings from published and ongoing analyses. The presentation will also address the challenges and opportunities associated with adopting 24/7 in other jurisdictions.

Beau Kilmer is a senior policy researcher at the RAND Corporation, where he co-directs the RAND Drug Policy Research Center. He is also a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School. His research lies at the intersection of public health and public safety, with a special emphasis on substance use, illicit markets, crime, and public policy. Some of his current projects include estimating the size of illegal drug markets, assessing the consequences of alternative marijuana policies, measuring the effect of South Dakota’s 24/7 Sobriety Program on drunk driving and domestic violence outcomes, and evaluating other innovative programs intended to reduce violence. Kilmer’s research has appeared in leading journals such as Addiction, American Journal of Public Health, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and his essays have been published by the BBC, CNN, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today.

The presentations will be held at Deakin Melbourne City Centre at 550 Bourke St, Level 3.

The event will begin at 1.00pm and each presentation will be approximately 60 minutes long, including questions, with a 30 minute tea and coffee break in between sessions.

The seminar is free, all welcome, bookings essential by calling 8413 8413 or by email:

Invitation – NAAPA Forum – Alcohol Policy in NSW: Where to now?

On behalf of the NSW ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance:

 Alcohol Policy in NSW: Where to now?

Tuesday 15 April 2014

6.00pm canapés for a 6.30 start

Theatrette, NSW Parliament House, Sydney

NAAPA is an alliance of 44 health, community, law enforcement, emergency services and research organisations working to promote evidence-based actions to prevent alcohol-related harms in NSW and the ACT. NAAPA was launched in December 2012.

The NAAPA Forum will provide a focus on three key elements of alcohol policy and regulation. This includes the Premier O’Farrell’s January announcement of the alcohol violence initiatives and the legislative changes in Sydney and NSW, the Review of the NSW Liquor Act 2007 and opportunities for future reforms in alcohol policy in NSW.

More information about the event, including a full program of speakers, will be released shortly.

If you would like to RSVP please email Stefany Spyropoulos or call (02) 6122 8600

Jobs: Research Associate – Ecstasy Study – Perth WA

Are you looking to undertake research in the illicit drugs area?

The National Drug Research Institute is seeking a Research Associate to coordinate and undertake the Western Australian arm of the national Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) study recommencing in Perth in April 2014. The position is based at Curtin University’s Health Research Campus in Shenton Park.

Applications close 5pm, Friday 4th April 2014.

Further information and submit an application

2014 NADA Conference: Diversity Driving Innovation – Program Online

The draft program for the 2014 NADA Conference is now available online.


The conference will feature a special keynote panel who will discuss ‘The future of the drug and alcohol sector in Australia’. Facilitated by Gino Vumbaca, Executive Director of the Australian National Council on Drugs, the directors of each of the national drug and alcohol research centres will discuss the strategic directions of their centre and where they see the future of the broader drug and alcohol sector.  The panel includes:


–          Professor Ann Roche, Director, National Centre for Education and Training in Addiction, Flinders University


–          Professor Michael Farrell, Director, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of NSW


–          Professor Steve Allsop, Director, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University


Another keynote panel will focus on the rights and engagement of consumers in drug and alcohol services –  ‘Respect, Rights, and Reflection: consumer involvement in treatment’The panel includes:


–          John Neville, Consumer Representative


–          Professor Carla Treloar, Deputy Director, Centre for Social Research in Health, University of NSW


–          Theresa Hinton, Researcher and Policy Officer, Social Action and Research Centre, AngliCare, Tasmania


Other keynote presenters at the conference include:


–          Associate Professor Ted Wilkes AO, Chair of the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee, and Associate Professor National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University, Western Australia.


–          Beau Kilmer, Co-director and Senior Policy Researcher, from the RAND Drug Policy Research Centre and Professor with Pardee RAND Graduate School in California, USA


–          Anneke van Wamel, Research Associate, Program Reintegration, Trimbos-institute at the Netherlands Institute for Mental Health and Addiction in Utrecht, The Netherlands.


–          Professor Anthony Shakeshaft, Deputy Director of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of NSW


Click here to register.


Click here to download the draft program.


Opportunity to promote your service at the NADA conference close on the 31 March. Click here for details.


Enquiries to


Job Opportunity at AIVL



Are you looking for an interesting and varied administration role in a busy, small office environment? Would you like to make a contribution in a leading health promotion charity dedicated to improving the health and human rights of people who use or have used illicit drugs? Are you possibly re-entering the workforce after a period of absence and looking for a fresh start? Or are you possibly just starting out in your administrative career and want the opportunity to challenge and stretch yourself? Then this role may be for you.

The Australian Injecting & Illicit Drug Users League (AIVL) is the peak national organisation representing state and territory peer-based drug user organisations and issues of national significance for people who use illicit drugs. AIVL is recognised for both its national and regional work across a range of issues, including: blood borne virus (hepatitis C and B, HIV/AIDS) prevention, treatment and care; stigma and discrimination; peer education; participation in national research projects in relation to illicit drug use; and issues in relation to drug treatment and drugs policy.

AIVL has a vacancy for part-time (22.5 hours per week) Administration Officer based in the AIVL national office in Canberra. The commencement salary for this position is $45,000 per annum, pro-rata, plus superannuation (currently 9.25%), and with generous salary packaging available. The role involves general office duties including: office reception, making travel arrangements, ordering stationery, organising meetings, preparing and collating meeting papers and ensuring office systems, amenities and equipment are maintained. To be successful in the role you will need computer skills using Microsoft Office and good verbal communication skills as the first point of contact for the organisation. Flexible working arrangements and salary packaging are available by negotiation and training and skills development will be provided as appropriate. The position is for an initial period to 30 June 2014. Ongoing employment will be subject to funding and satisfactory progress in the role.

As a peer-based organisation, AIVL encourages people with personal experience of illicit drug use to apply for this position.

Applicants MUST obtain the position description and selection criteria before submitting an application. The Application Pack should be available on the AIVL website shortly but we have been experiencing difficulties with transitioning to a new site, so you can also email dayles to be sent the Application Pack. If you have any questions prior to applying, please call Dayle Stubbs on (02) 6279 1600.


One year on from key health report and still no action in Australia


MEDIA RELEASE: Social Determinants of Health Alliance


One year on from key health report and still no action in Australia


On 20 March 2013, the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs tabled its inquiry report into Australia’s domestic response to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Commission on Social Determinants of Health report Closing the gap within a generation.  A year on from the release of the inquiry report, no action has been taken to address the recommendations.


“The one-year anniversary of the Senate report coincides with National Close the Gap Day today.  Last month, the Prime Minister, Opposition leader and Australian Greens leader reiterated their support for closing the unacceptable health and life expectancy gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians by 2030.  The evidence-based recommendations from the WHO’s Commission on the Social Determinants of Health Report have reaped benefits around the world, but we have yet to see Australian governments commit to their implementation.  If we are to Close the Gap, then implementing the WHO’s recommendations would be a great place to start,” explained Martin Laverty, Chair of the Social Determinants of Health Alliance (SDOHA).


The Coalition/Labor/Greens Senators made five recommendations that the Australian Government:

  1. Adopt the WHO Report and commit to addressing the social determinants of health relevant to the Australian context.
  2. Adopt administrative practices that ensure consideration of the social determinants of health in all relevant policy development activities, particularly in relation to education, employment, housing, family and social security policy.
  3. Place responsibility for addressing social determinants of health within one agency, with a mandate to address issues across portfolios.
  4. Give greater emphasis in National Health and Medical Research Council grant allocation priorities to research on public health and social determinants research.
  5. Make annual progress reports to Parliament a key requirement of the body tasked with responsibility for addressing the social determinants of health.


The recommendations of the tripartisan inquiry were endorsed by all of the participating Senators, including Senators Siewert, Moore, Boswell, Boyce, Brown, McKenzie, Smith, Thorp, Fierravanti-Wells and Di Natale.


The report clearly states that:

Good health involves improving access to education, reducing insecurity and unemployment, improving housing standards, and increasing the opportunities for social engagement available for all citizens. Addressing the discrepancies of health outcomes resulting from the prevailing social determinants means addressing the causes of those social determinants.


“It’s vital that the Commonwealth, state and territory governments work together if Australia is to address those factors that are holding us back in seeking to achieve better health outcomes for the Australian community,” said Mr Laverty. 

SDOHA is a collaboration of like-minded organisations from the areas of health, social services and public policy established to work with governments to reduce health inequities in Australia.  The Alliance currently has over 60 organisational members.  More info on SDOHA, its activities and membership is available at:



Message from the ADCA Board of Directors

Dear ADCA members and friends,
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and your efforts to try and overturn the Commonwealth Government’s decision to defund ADCA. While the decision and the process by which it occurred has come under great scrutiny, the decision remains, and your support has been much appreciated during this difficult time.

As ADCA Board Directors, we appreciate that members have received only very limited communication while the organisation has been in the hands of the Administrator. No doubt you would have recently received the report from the Administrator highlighting that full payments to all creditors will be made, and that control of ADCA will soon be handed back to Board Directors under a Deed of Company Arrangement. We expect this to occur in the coming week or so. The Administrator’s main remaining task will then be to sell the portion of the building owned by ADCA and return any surplus funds back to ADCA.

Once control of ADCA is handed back to the Board, it is our intention to hold a meeting of members to consult with you and to answer your questions. This will also give us the opportunity to provide you with an update on our efforts to ensure the long-term future of ADCA, and to gain an understanding of your views. At this stage we are looking to hold the meeting in Canberra, with dial in options for those of us who are interstate. We will circulate a date shortly.

In brief, the ADCA Board are looking to establish a short-term holding arrangement for ADCA with some basic activities that can be achieved without any financial resources or staff. This arrangement will be in place until ADCA’s surplus funds are returned (in approximately 6 to 12 months’ time). In the medium term, we would then be looking to re-secure our membership base, to further consult with you about the priorities for the sector in the next 12 months, and to identify the most appropriate role that ADCA can play on behalf of the AOD sector. In addition we would also seek to identify the most appropriate governance arrangements and constitution to achieve these goals with limited resources.

Our long-term aim is to seek and obtain a sustainable funding base to continue the ongoing mission of ADCA in a more substantial way. This may entail applying for grants through both government and non-government bodies, maintaining membership registrations, and conducting other income generation activities as recommended by our members.

We look forward to speaking with you shortly.