Author Archives: James

PhD Scholarships available – Addiction, and Preventing alcohol and other drug related harm

Qualitative Research on Addiction (Melbourne)


The National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for a PhD scholarship in qualitative research on addiction.

The scholarship will be in NDRI’s Social Studies of Addiction Concepts research program, based in Melbourne.

The scholarship commences in 2014 and will carry an annual tax-free stipend of $29,424 a year for three years. Candidates receive an annual research allowance to help cover research costs.

Closing date: November 4

More information, including the application criteria

2014 Doctoral Scholarship

This three-year scholarship is for doctoral research into the prevention or reduction of alcohol and other drug related harm. The scholarship carries an annual tax-free stipend of $29,549.

The scholarship is available to students enrolled or intending to enrol at NDRI at Curtin University in Perth, however study may be undertaken from anywhere in Australia. Study will commence in 2014.

Closing date: November 29

More information, including the selection criteria

Jobs: Aboriginal Mental Health Worker – NSW

Aboriginal Mental Health Worker

The Weigelli Centre is an Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation facility just outside Cowra in the Central West of NSW.

This worker will provide Mental Health input to the Weigelli Centre AOD programme. They will also provide Mental Health Prevention activities, Mental Health Promotion activities and will participate in building the Mental Health capacity of the local community.

Applicants will have completed training and have experience working as an Aboriginal Mental Health Worker.

An attractive package is available.

Aboriginality is a genuine occupational qualification for this position [S31(2)(H) of the Anti-discrimination Act NSW].

Closing Date: 6 November 2013

The Weigelli Centre reserves the right not to fill any position.

For Further Information, an Application Package and support submitting your Application:
Daniel Jeffries or Duncan McEvoy 02 6345 1803

Essential Resources for AOD workers order online or print catalogue

Via Turning Point:

Essential Resources for AOD workers order online or print catalogue

Polysubstance use, prescription drug problems, comorbid psychiatric and medical conditions are some of the challenges clinicians face in managing withdrawal in substance using clients.

The revised Alcohol and other Drug Withdrawal: Practice Guidelines is a comprehensive all-in-one guide for anyone involved in the care of clients undertaking substance withdrawal, including nursing and medical staff, alcohol and drug clinicians and other health professionals. In addition to a detailed description of withdrawal principles and pathways for clients in drug treatment, Alcohol and other Drug Withdrawal: Practice Guidelines describes approaches to withdrawal from alcohol, benzodiazepines, opioids, cannabis, psychostimulants and tobacco. Special needs client groups are covered in detail, including a chapter on management of substance addiction in those with co-occurring mental illness.

Alcohol and other Drug Withdrawal: Practice Guidelines is both client focussed and clinician friendly, with a consistent and easy to read format. Practice Guidelineswill inform best practice drug withdrawal care for clinicians and provide an overview for those interested in understanding and structuring effective alcohol and drug treatment models.

Jobs: Counsellor / Educator – Perth WA

Cyrenian House, Perth, WA has a position vacant!

1 Counsellor/Educator – North Metro Community Drug Service (48 hrs f/n) $51,414 – $61,092 pro rata (Job Code: NMCE)

The team is looking for a motivated person with experience and/or qualifications within the alcohol and drug field to fill this position. The role includes a range of duties with both a treatment and prevention focus with the aim of reducing harm associated with alcohol or other drug use. Essentially the position will provide a professional AOD service to youth, adults, families, other service providers and the local community.

For further information on this position, please contact Angela Loxton, Manager North Metro Community Drug Service on (08) 9246 6767.

This position comes with attractive employee benefits and salary packaging options.

For a job description and selection criteria, please visit

To ensure that you submit all of the required information in your application, please refer to the Information Package on the employment page on our website.

Closing Date: 4pm, Monday 21 October 2013.

2013 Drug Trends Conference Melbourne

2013 National Drug Trends Conference

‘Highs and lows of contemporary drugs in Australia: Emerging Psychoactive Substances, pharmaceutical opioids and other drugs’

The National Drug Trends Conference will present recent findings in illicit drug use, markets and related harms across Australia and internationally. Convened by Australia’s largest drug monitoring systems, the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) and the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS), the one day conference will include the first release of the 2013 findings.

We are also delighted to announce that there will also be presentations from a number of distinguished international and local guest speakers, including Mr Paul Griffiths (EMCDDA), Dr Chris Wilkins (SHORE, Massey University, NZ), Prof Wayne Hall (UQ), Dr John Coyne (AFP), Prof Paul Dietze (Burnet Institute), Dr Megan Lim (Burnet Institute), Ms Joanne Gerstner-Stevens (VICPOL), Dr Raimondo Bruno (UTAS) and Mr Joe Van Buskirk (NDARC).

Date: Tuesday 15th October 2013

Venue: State Library of Victoria, Conference Centre

Entry 3, located at 179 La Trobe Street, Melbourne

Talks will include:


What is Drug Trends?

2013 Illicit Drug Reporting System – National key findings

2013 Ecstasy and Related Drug Reporting System – National key findings

International Guest speakers

Mr Paul Griffith European monitoring on Emerging Psychoactive Substances

Dr Chris Wilkins New Psychoactive Substances legislation in New Zealand

Local Guest Speakers

Dr Raimondo Bruno Real Time Monitoring Opioids

Dr John Coyne Higher level organised crime

Prof. Paul Dietze Naloxone trial

Ms Joanne Gerstner-Stevens Drug analysis of seizures in Victoria

Prof. Wayne Hall Smoking use among people who use drugs

Dr Megan Lim Drug use and other risky behaviours in young people

Mr Joe Van Buskirk Silk Road and internet monitoring


Please click here to register


Registration $250.00

Student $200.00

The IDRS and EDRS are funded by the Australian Government under the Substance Misuse Prevention and Service Improvement Grants Fund.

Qualitative research on addiction – NDRI PhD Scholarship in Melbourne

Qualitative research on addiction –NDRI PhD Scholarship in Melbourne


The National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified candidates for a PhD scholarship in qualitative research on addiction.
The scholarship will be in NDRI’s Social Studies of Addiction Concepts research program, based in Melbourne.
The scholarship commences in 2014 and will carry an annual tax-free stipend of $29,424 a year for three years. Candidates receive an annual research allowance to help cover research costs.

More information, including the application criteria

Jobs: Counselling Unit Manager – Kirketon Road Centre

Reference Number 158267
Position Title Counselling Unit Manager
Employment Status Permanent Full Time, Permanent Part Time
Entity South Eastern Sydney Local Health District
Geographical Location Kings Cross
Award Classification Health Professionals/Counsellor Lvl 4
Salary $46.32 – $47.48
Hours per Week 38.00
Number of FTE 1.00
Purpose of Position The Kirketon Road Centre (KRC) is a primary health care facility located in Kings Cross, which is involved in the prevention, treatment and care of HIV/AIDS and other transmissible infections among ‘at-risk’ young people, sex workers and people who inject drugs.

This position is responsible for the management of the Counselling Unit and the delivery of high quality counselling services for KRC clients. These include the provision of crisis and support counselling, methadone treatment case management, social welfare assistance and health promotion services at KRC, Clinic 180 and in outreach settings. KRC has an eclectic approach
underpinned by the harm reduction framework, providing services in a non-judgmental way. KRC encourages self-determination, while ensuring that clients’ lifestyle choices are well-informed.

The Kirketon Road Centre (KRC) is a primary health care facility located in Kings Cross, which is involved in the prevention, treatment and care of HIV/AIDS and other transmissible infections among ‘at-risk’ young people, sex workers and people who inject drugs.
Counselling Unit Manager Level 4
This position is responsible for the management of the Counselling Unit and the delivery of high quality counselling services for KRC clients. These include the provision of crisis and support counselling, methadone treatment case management, social welfare assistance and health promotion services at KRC, Clinic 180 and in outreach settings. KRC has an eclectic approach underpinned by the harm reduction framework, providing services in a non-judgmental way. KRC encourages self-determination, while ensuring that clients’ lifestyle choices are well-informed.
Selection criteria 1. Tertiary qualification in counsellor, social work, psychology or equivalent in accordance with Schedule C of the NSW Health Service Health Professionals (State) Award.
2. Extensive post-graduate clinical experience with demonstrated skills in the provision of counselling, case management and psycho-social support to clients with complex needs /co-morbidities, including the ability to proactively engage with KRC target populations.
3. Demonstrated leadership and experience in the management of staff including recruitment, rostering, clinical support and supervision, performance management and conflict resolution.
4. An understanding of harm reduction, primary health care, community development and health promotion approaches.
5. Ability and willingness to work flexibly in the sometimes volatile environment of Kings Cross engaging clients with unpredictable behaviours, including late at night.
6. Ability to initiate, lead and evaluate quality improvement initiatives and service evaluation processes.
This position requires a Working With Children Check (WWCC) issued by the Office of the Children’s Guardian. For more information on how to apply for the clearance, please visit the Office of the Children’s Guardian website
Contact Person : Wendy Machin on 0421503740 or wendy.machin
Closing Date 06/10/2013

Training Workshop on Dual Diagnosis and Co-Morbidity

Demystifying Dual Diagnosis – Diagnosis, Psychopharmacology & Treatment Guidelines

1-Day workshop for professionals, presented by Cathy Moonshine (Ph.D, MSCP, MAC, CADC III)

Sydney – 11 November

Melbourne – 13 November

Brisbane – 15 November

Adelaide – 18 November

Perth – 20 November

Dual diagnoses are the expectation, not the exception. It is essential that treatment staff and clinicians are able to competently work with individuals who present with both mental health issues and substance use disorders

This workshop will discuss myths, diagnostic considerations, early engagement, motivational strategies and treatment methodology utilising CBT & DBT techniques along with Relapse Prevention & Recovery Planning. This course is also designed to assist clinicians in increasing competency in assessing, diagnosing and treating clients with substance use and mental health diagnoses.

Please see our website for more information or to register:

Registrations received this week will save an additional $30 off the early-bird price of $299.

Crystal Meth Anonymous starting in Melbourne

From the ADCA Update List:

Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover from addiction to crystal meth (ice) and other mind-altering substances.

Eight years ago a number of community forums were held in Sydney to discuss what to do about the spiraling problem with crystal meth (ice) use in Sydney. In response to these forums, three individuals who had achieved ongoing abstinence though Narcotics Anonymous decided to start CMA in Sydney in 2005.

Since then CMA in Sydney has rapidly grown to 10 meetings a week with over 200 members. Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) started in Los Angeles in 1994 and has been highly successful spreading across North America and this year CMA also took off in the United Kingdom.

Following in Sydney’s footsteps, on Wednesday 18th September, Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) in Victoria will begin at 18 Mitford Street, St Kilda (Entry at rear of Community Centre).

The meeting will start at 7 pm and is called FREEDOM BEGINS HERE.

If you have a problem with crystal meth (ice) or know someone that does please forward this email or invite them to call Stu on 0410324384.


NSW NSP Workers Forum 2013

NSW NSP Workers Forum 2013

Reflect Respond Reinvigorate

2013 NSW NSP Workers Forum 18 – 19 November 2013

Novotel Sydney Central, 169-179 Thomas Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

The Needle & Syringe Program (NSP) has been preventing HIV and Hepatitis C for over 21 years. The Annual NSW NSP Workers’ Forum is an important part of this history, creating a space for over 150 Needle & Syringe Program workers, researchers, policy makers and non-government organisations to share ideas, to learn from each other and to develop new approaches.

At this year’s Forum, we want you to be challenged…..challenged to reflect on the industry’s past, to critically look at lessons learned, to celebrate achievements, to respond to current challenges and most of all, to be reinvigorated and play your part in future-styling of the NSP sector. We particularly look forward to your participation through multiple break-out sessions, workshops, presentations, speed talks and panel-discussions.

For the official and printable flyer please click here.

For further information: Please contact the Planning Co-Chair Tim Stern on 02 8204 0765