Author Archives: James

Jobs: AOD Registered Nurse, Victoria

ReGen is the lead alcohol and other drugs (AOD) treatment and education agency of UnitingCare Victoria and Tasmania. In June 2012 we changed our name from UnitingCare Moreland Hall to UnitingCare ReGen to give people a better idea of who we are, what we do and how we work.

Our purpose is to promote health and reduce alcohol and other drugs (AOD)-related harm.  We recognise that AOD use may not be the only issue that our clients are dealing with and we provide individualised treatment, education and support to enhance their lives and reduce harm.  In combination with our workforce training and public advocacy, we support social justice and sustainable change at an individual, community and systemic level.

We are currently have an opportunity for a Registered Nurse to join our adult residential withdrawal team on either a part time or casual basis. Details can be found on our website at

International Overdose Awareness Day 2012

A key message for International Overdose Awareness Day 2012 concerns UNUSAL SNORING.

Many fatal overdoses (and those resulting in brain injury) occur when someone lets a person affected by opioids (including some common painkillers) “sleep it off” because they don’t realise that deep and unusual snoring can be a sign of an overdose already occurring.

The more people that know this the more lives can be saved.

To help increase public awareness of this, Anex has put together a 30 second community service announcement in collaboration with Melbourne production house SceneOn. This will be aired on Channel 9, 7 and Foxtel in the lead up to August 31. It is also supported by a radio advertisement which was distributed nationally.

See the television commercial at, and share it with your networks.
Follow us @OverdoseDay
Use the hashtag #OD12

Facebook: International Overdose Awareness Day

Jobs: Project Officer, Victoria



(SCHADS Award range $56,482 – $62,000 pro rata 0.8)

This varied position is an exciting opportunity to develop in an emerging field of work. You will provide project support in working towards advancement of the alcohol and other drugs sector. We require previous project management experience or relevant qualifications, outstanding interpersonal & organisational skills and attention to detail.


For further information and Job Description see or contact Merissa at or (03) 9412 5600


Closing date for all applications:  C.O.B  Friday 7/09/12

Jobs: Case Manager, NSW

Position Details

Reference Number 95951
Position Title Case Manager (Allied Health Level 1/2) – Fairfield Enhanced Care Team – Temp F/T
Employment Status Temporary Full Time (up to 28/06/2013)
Entity South Western Sydney Local Health District
Geographical Location Fairfield
Award Classification:  

Dependent on qualifications

Salary: $1,040.90 – $1,508.00
Number of FTE: 1.00
Purpose of Position: The purpose of the Case Manager, Fairfield Enhanced Care Team (FECT), is to increase the capacity of the primary care sector (GPs and Pharmacies) to provide drug treatment services in the Fairfield Local Government Area (LGA).


The case manager will provide case management to clients in shared care participating in the Fairfield Enhanced Care Program, at sites including Fairfield and Liverpool Drug Health Services as well as at various general practitioner (GP) offices and pharmacies throughout the Fairfield LGA.


Selection Criteria:  

Qualifications in relevant discipline with relevant registration or professional membership if required

Understanding of the health issues facing drug users and the contemporary treatment approaches to addressing these

Demonstrated ability to deliver case management to patients with drug and alcohol issues

Demonstrated understanding of and commitment to harm minimisation philosophy

Ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team

Demonstrated excellent written and verbal communication skills including skills in using the Office suite of software

A current NSW drivers Licence (P2 Licence acceptable)


Contact Person Judy Pearson
Contact Number 0425 288 568
Closing Date 31/08/2012

Jobs: Adult Drug Court, NSW

The Liverpool Adult Drug Court Team is seeking an enthusiastic team member to fill a temporary full-time position within the South Western Sydney Local Health District.  Please see below for a brief job description.  On-line applications and full position descriptions can be found at the NSW Government Health website.  The position is based within Adult Drug Court Program – Drug Health Services located at George Street Liverpool.

All telephone enquiries can be forwarded to Patrick Leahy, A/Manager Court Diversion Programs on 0425 330 381 or Stephanie Hocking, Team Leader on 0417 323 183.




Position Details


Reference Number: 94826
Position Title: Clinician- Social Worker/Counsellor/Welfare Officer (Level 1/2) or Registered Psychologist – ADC Program – Temp F/T
Employment Status: Temporary Full Time (up to 05/04/2013)
Entity: South Western Sydney Local Health District
Geographical Location: Liverpool
Award Classification:  

Dependent on qualifications

Number of FTE : 1.00
Purpose of Position:
Provide assessments, evidence based interventions, case management and co-ordination of clinical and welfare interventions to Adult Drug Court (ADC) clients. Provide written and oral reports for clients who remain under Court supervision throughout the program. Support the clinical operations of Court Diversion Programs across the LHD.


  Temp F/T Maternity Leave Relief up to 5th April 2013 with a possible extension up to a further 12mths.
Selection Criteria : • Relevant qualifications and appropriate registration or membership to Professional Association (as required)

• Clinical skills in assessment, case management and counselling

• Knowledge of the harm reduction approach to drug and alcohol problems and demonstrated experience in the provision of interventions with drug dependent clients.

• High quality communication skills including the provision of quality written reports within a given timeframe.

• Demonstrated organisational and administrative competence including basic computer literacy and time management skills.

• Demonstrated ability to work independently as well as within a multidisciplinary team.

• Unrestricted NSW drivers licence (P2 licence acceptable).

Contact Person: Patrick Leahy
Contact Number: 0425330381
Closing Date: 31/08/2012

Parents Under Pressure Training

Parents Under Pressure:

The Parents Under Pressure (PuP) program is based on an integrative model of parenting drawn from attachment theory and behavioural family therapy combined with contemporary approaches to affect regulation based on mindfulness. The program is home-based and designed for families in which there are many difficult life circumstances that impact on family functioning such as depression and anxiety, substance misuse, family conflict, child maltreatment and severe financial stress.



Training combines intensive training in the underlying theoretical background of PuP, and clinical supervision (conducted by phone or face to face). Learning is consolidated by the process of clinical supervision which focuses on how to put the PUP program into practice. Accreditation as a PuP Therapist requires completion of a case study demonstrating competency in the PuP model and a minimum number of hours of practise.



The PuP program is supported by a purpose build data base that allows for the automated scoring of key measures used to evaluate the effectiveness of the PuP program. A feedback form is generated for each measure with suggested treatment options for Therapists.


COST: $3000 per person.


SYDNEY Training 3rd & 4thth  September

1 day follow up: 5th  November

Venue: Equilibrium Wealth

Address: Suite 2.04 POST, 46A Macleay Street

Potts Point NSW 2011


MELBOURNE training 10th & 11th September

1 day follow up: 19th November

Venue: Odyssey House: Kids in Focus

660 Bridge Rd Richmond 3121


To register your interest or for more information please send an email to: 

The role of alcohol and other drug related crime and disorder

FREE DRUGINFO SEMINAR – The role of alcohol and other drug related crime and disorder

Alcohol and other drug-related crime and disorder is a substantial burden on Australian and Victorian communities, and a wide range of measures are needed to tackle the problem.

To discuss these issues and to provide a networking opportunity for professionals, DrugInfo will be running a seminar on 5th September 2012.

This free interactive seminar aims to reflect the themes arising from the upcoming DrugInfo newsletter and Prevention Research Quarterly, “The role of alcohol and other drug-related crime and disorder”.


  • Associate Professor Peter Miller, Deakin University, Victoria
  • Professor Robin Room, Director, Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR), Turning Point Alcohol & Drug Centre
  • Jennifer Thompson, Program Manager—Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth Program, (P.A.R.T.Y)
  • Erika Robertson, Community and Health Development Officer, City of Port Phillip


Wednesday 5 September 2012

10:00 am-12:30 pm (registration and refreshments from 9:30 am)

Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC),
(Exhibition Centre entrance: 2 Clarendon St, South Wharf 3006)
Meeting Room 2 & 3, Level 2

Places are strictly limited, so you are advised to register early. Register through


Taxi: For the Exhibition Centre have the driver drop off at the Clarendon Street entrance of the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Tram: Tram numbers 96,112 and 109 travel down Spencer/Clarendon streets and stop opposite the Clarendon Street entrance of the MCEC.

Train: Take the train to Southern Cross Station and proceed to tram numbers 96, 109 and 112 on Spencer Street to the Clarendon Street entrance of the MCEC.

Car: There are a number of affordable  located nearby.


RSVP: Places are strictly limited, so you are advised to register early.


For more information contact Monique Conduit on 03 9611 6100 or

New Resource for Posttraumatic Stress and Substance Use


A new resource for clinicians working to treat coexisting posttraumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders will be launched at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre Symposium in Sydney on August 28, 2012.

The new treatment manual is based on an integrated treatment approach that utilises exposure therapy, called Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE).The efficacy of the treatment was demonstrated by researchers from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC), with the results of their randomised controlled trial published to international acclaim in theJournal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) this month.

The NDARC study found that individuals with addictions could safely be treated for posttraumatic stress without exacerbating their substance use. Clients who received the COPE therapy, where they are exposed to their traumatic memories in 90 minute sessions with a clinical psychologist, not only reduced their symptoms of PTSD, they experienced no worsening of their substance use compared with a control group who received  treatment as usual for their substance use.

An estimated 350,000 Australians have comorbid PTSD and substance use and close to 90 per cent of individuals receiving treatment for substance use have experienced multiple traumas; around half have active PTSD.

But a conservative approach to treatment, based on fears that exposure therapy will exacerbate alcohol and other drug use, means that a majority of sufferers have been excluded from treatment, says study lead author Dr Katherine Mills.

“Our positive findings indicate that by using an integrated treatment program such as this, the many Australians who suffer from both of these conditions can be treated successfully.”

The COPE manual is designed for clinicians with postgraduate qualifications in counselling, psychology or psychiatry, and with formal training in the delivery of cognitive behavioural treatment for substance use disorders and PTSD. COPE can be delivered in both an out-patient and in-patient setting.

The launch of the manual will take place during the Trauma, Self medication and Treatment session of the NDARC Annual Symposium.  You can still register for the event but hurry: registrations close COB Tuesday August 21.

What: The launch of Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Prolonged Exposure (COPE) treatment manual

When: 28 August 2012

Where: NDARC Annual Symposium, University of New South Wales, Sydney

For more on the COPE manual, please see the executive summary attached below.

To read the paper that appeared in JAMA, please see the attachment below.

Partners in Recovery Program: Funding Opportunities

FYI the Department of Health and Ageing has announced the Partners in Recovery (PIR): coordinated support and flexible funding for people with severe and persistent mental illness with complex needs initiative, which aims to better support people with severe and persistent mental illness with complex needs, and their carers and families, by having the multiple sectors, services and supports that they may come into contact with work in a more collaborative, coordinated, and integrated way.

Organisations are invited to tender to deliver the initiative in Medicare Local geographic regions and may apply for a grant to do so. PIR grant program guidelines are now available at PIR grant program guidelines.

PIR information sessions are being conducted in each state and territory and will provide an important opportunity for stakeholders across different sectors, including potential funding applicants and community members, to become more familiar with the initiative and funding requirements. The information session schedule, along with further information, can be found at

Jobs: Aboriginal Social Emotional and Wellbeing Worker, NSW




            An Aboriginal person (as defined by the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983) means a person who:

            (a) is member of the Aboriginal race of Australia, and

            (b) identifies as an Aboriginal person, and

            (c) is accepted by the Aboriginal community as an Aboriginal person

            This is in accordance with Part 9A, Section 122J of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.

Status:                                    Permanent full-time, 38 hours per week, 3 year contract

Classification:                        Award; NSW Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award                         2010 – Grade dependent on qualifications and experience.

Organisation:             The Social Emotional Wellbeing Worker Project is managed by Upper Hunter Drug and                                    Alcohol Service Inc., funded by Coal & Allied (ADCC) and BHP Billiton Mt Arthur Coal


1.      Purpose of position:

The Aboriginal SEWB position aims to strengthen Aboriginal families and communities in the Upper Hunter Valley by building skills and commitment to protect and benefit children and young people; encouraging access to education and employment and contributing to better access to quality health care.


Selection Criteria:


1.1               Willing to undertake University enrolment to commence (or continue if already enrolled) studies in Bachelor of Health (Mental Health); or Associate Degree in Health Science (Mental Health); or Certificate in Health Science (Mental Health) to achieve the position’s requirements including a commitment to gaining relevant qualifications and experience for the duration of the Traineeship (with the support of an academic mentor).

1.2               Demonstrated organisational and time management skills, strong interpersonal skills.

1.3               Demonstrated oral and written communication skills.

1.4               Awareness of the issues and challenges Aboriginal people face in relation to alcohol and other drug issues, including an understanding of harm minimisation.

1.5               Sound computer and typing skills.

1.6               Current driver’s licence.

1.7               Understanding of and commitment to Equity, Workplace Health and Safety and Quality Improvement.

1.8               Demonstrated ability to empathise with a wide and diverse community.

1.9               Some experience within an alcohol or other drug treatment environment.

1.10           Demonstrated experience working with Aboriginal people.

1.11           Demonstrated ability to work in a team.


1.12           Demonstrated understanding of Aboriginal culture


Application Closing Date: Friday 7th September, 2012

Enquiries and Position Description: Libby George (02) 6543 2677 or Email:

Forward applications electronically by email or to: PO Box 370, Muswellbrook, NSW 2333.  Only applications addressing the above selection criteria and confirmation of Aboriginality will be considered.  Standard background/criminal checks will apply for the successful applicant.

Important: Aboriginal Identified Position; applicants must be of Aboriginal descent through parentage, identification as being Aboriginal and accepted in the community as such.  Aboriginality is a genuine occupational qualification for this position and is authorised under the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act.