Author Archives: James

Jobs – Senior Research Officer, Sydney



Salary range: $85,928 – $93,870

Total remuneration package valued up to: $103,586 

Conduct an evaluation of victim satisfaction with Youth Justice Conferencing (temporary full-time up to 30 June 2013)

Work performed:

  • Interviewing young offenders, victims and other participants in Youth Justice Conferences regarding their levels of satisfaction with Conferencing outcomes;
  • Writing research reports and briefing notes;
  • Evaluating and incorporating reviewer comments into written research reports;
  • Presenting seminars and conference papers;
  • Providing technical advice to Departmental staff and staff from other agencies on research methodology;
  • Reviewing research proposals and research papers by outside individuals and organisations;
  • Promoting Equal Employment Opportunity, the Ethnic Affairs Policy Statement and Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines policies.

Selection criteria:

  • Tertiary qualifications in social or behavioural sciences, with an honours degree or higher;
  • Ability to write research reports to a standard suitable for publication;
  • Demonstrated experience and/or training in conducting personal interviews;
  • Demonstrated understanding of multivariate statistical analyses and familiarity with statistical software packages (e.g. SPSS, SAS, Stata);
  • Ability to plan and organise work to meet tight deadlines for concurrent projects;
  • Good oral communication skills, including the ability to communicate technical concepts to a non-technical audience.

Applications close 11 May 2012 Applicants must obtain an information package and address all criteria in the advertisement. Applications should be lodged electronically via   Information Packages and further information: 


Craig Jones | Research Manager | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research             

Email: | Phone: 02 9231 9176 | Fax: 02 9231 9187 | GPO Box 6, Sydney NSW 2001

Jobs: Practice Manager, Melbourne

Practice Manager [ Ref: 10591 ]

Melbourne’s West is one of the fastest growing and most culturally diverse areas in Australia. Western Health is investing now to meet the demands of this growing population and improve the quality of care and access to services for people in the West.

Western Health’s Drug Health Services is the largest Drug and Alcohol treatment agency in Melbourne’s West. Our progressive service has recently undertaken an internal service planning process, and has identified private practice opportunities as an important strategic direction.

We are seeking to appoint a dynamic, innovative and experienced Practice Manager to manage our current Private Practice MBS clinics in Footscray. In addition, the Practice Manager will work with Drug Health Services managers and clinical teams to scope opportunities for additional medical and allied health private practice clinics in Footscray, and in other locations in the Western suburbs.

The successful applicant will work within, and lead a small team of administrative staff to provide reception and administrative support.  A thorough knowledge of private practice operations (general practice and / or medical specialist) is required.  An attractive salary package will be negotiated with the successful applicant.

For more information on the exciting employment opportunities at Western Health visit

Jobs: Community Health Nurse, Melbourne

Community Health Nurse

Part time, ongoing, 30.4 hours per week


Western Region Health Centre, Health Works

, 30.4 hours per week

“To create healthy and connected communities in Melbourne’s West through

the delivery of high quality, accessible community and health services.”


The Western Region Health Centre (WRHC) provides a range of health and community

support services and are committed to innovation and quality in all we do.


Health Works, a program of the Western Region Health Centre (WRHC), aims to improve

the health and wellbeing of people who inject drugs in the western suburbs of Melbourne

using a holistic, social model of health. We aim to address the health inequities

experienced by people who inject in a way that is confidential, innovative, responsive and

based on a harm reduction framework.


We are seeking a committed and experienced individual to undertake community health

service provision and other health promotion activities. The successful applicant will have

a working knowledge of the social model of health, sound clinical skills and an interest

in developing and enhancing nursing skills in STI’s , Hepatitis C and HIV management.

Ideally you will have experience working within a community setting or harm reduction

model. You will also have a solid understanding of the clinical and psychosocial health

issues affecting people who inject drugs and the ability to devise care plans and health

promotion initiatives within a team setting.


The applicant is to be a Division 1 Nurse registered with the Australian Health Practitioners

Regulation Agency (APHRA). Post graduate qualifications in community health, public

health, BBV, STI’s, sexual and reproductive health are desirable. HIV and Hepatitis C

testing accreditation would be an advantage. Experience in working in community health

settings with marginalised groups is highly desirable.



• Division 1 Registered Nurse eligible for registration with Australian Health

Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and have an understanding of independent

nursing practice

• Demonstrated experience or interest in providing health services to people who

inject drugs

• A sound understanding and commitment to harm reduction especially in relation to

injecting drug use, health care access, blood borne viruses and other health risks

• A sensitivity to and understanding of the issues and needs of people from culturally

and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities who inject drugs

• Ability to work as a part of a multidisciplinary team

• Highly developed interpersonal and written communication skills

• Ability to develop harm reduction based health promotion activities to reduce health

risks associated with injecting drug use, and improve the general health of people

who inject drugs

• Computer literacy, including word processing and database skills

• A current driver’s licence



• Credentialed in HIV and Hepatitis C Testing accredited and registered with the Victoria

Department of Health

• Experience working in a multidisciplinary workplace of similar setting


Wages and Conditions: Nurses (Victorian Public Sector) Multiple Employer Agreement

2007 – 2011, Registered Nurse Grade 3B. Attractive salary packaging available.

For a position description please visit our website at or for further

queries, please phone Rebecca McBurnie, HR Assistant on 03 9680 1138.


Closing date for applications is 5:00pm on Sunday 6th May 2012.

Please submit your application via email to, to the attention of

Bernadette Suter and include:

• current resume

• covering letter

• a separate response to the Key Selection Criteria (located within the position

description) – please note that applications will not be considered without this


A pre-employment criminal record check is mandatory.

WRHC is an equal opportunity employer.


Army probes drug use by soldiers in Afghanistan – San Jose Mercury News

The U.S. Army has investigated 56 soldiers in Afghanistan on suspicion of using or distributing heroin, morphine or other opiates during 2010 and 2011, newly obtained data shows. Eight soldiers died of drug overdoses during that time.
While the cases represent just a slice of possible drug use by U.S. troops in Afghanistan, they provide a somber snapshot of the illicit trade in the war zone, including young Afghans peddling heroin, soldiers dying after mixing cocktails of opiates, troops stealing from medical bags and Afghan soldiers and police dealing drugs to their U.S. comrades.
In a country awash with poppy fields that provide up to 90 percent of the world’s opium, the U.S. military struggles to keep an eye on its far-flung troops and monitor for substance abuse.
But U.S. Army officials say that while the presence of such readily available opium — the raw ingredient for heroin — is a concern, opiate abuse has not been a pervasive problem for troops in Afghanistan.

See on

Survey of Health Professionals’ Views of Cannabis Use Treatment Guidelines


Are you a health professional who counsels individuals who use cannabis?

If so, the National Cannabis and Information Centre would like to invite you to participate in an online survey to find out about your views on cannabis use treatment guidelines. The survey takes less than 30 minutes to complete and participation is confidential. You will not be asked to identify your place of employment. Participants who complete the survey will be asked to provide an email address to enter a draw to win one of ten $100 AUD via PayPal.

To complete the survey, please follow the link:

Contact Dr Melissa Norberg for enquiries (

This research has been approved by UNSW Human Research Ethics Advisory Panel (HREA: 2011-7-47).

Jobs: Research Assistant, Sydney



Salary range: $59,705 – $65,376

Total remuneration package valued up to: $72,142

Assist with an evaluation of the alcohol Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment program (temporary full-time up to 30 June 2014)

Work performed:

  • Assisting with the collection of data;
  • Liaison with stakeholder groups and data providers;
  • Organisation of meetings with stakeholder groups;
  • Data coding and data entry;
  • Simple data analysis;
  • Identification and reviewing of relevant literature;
  • Assisting with drafting of research reports.

Selection criteria:

  • Tertiary qualifications in the behavioural sciences or equivalent experience;
  • Demonstrated understanding of inferential statistics;
  • Familiarity with statistical software packages (e.g. SPSS, Excel);
  • Experience working with sensitive datasets;
  • Highly developed written and oral communication skills;
  • Good interpersonal liaison skills;
  • Ability to plan and organise work to meet deadlines for concurrent projects.

Applications close 20 April 2012

Applicants must obtain an information package and address all criteria in the advertisement.
Applications should be lodged electronically via
Information Packages and further information: 


Craig Jones | Research Manager | NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research             

Email: | Phone: 02 9231 9176 | Fax: 02 9231 9187 | GPO Box 6, Sydney NSW 2001

Community Alcohol Forum – Victoria




Alcohol is by far the most commonly used drug among Victorian young people. Every week, it contributes to accidents, assaults and even deaths among our kids.


So how can you protect your own children in a world awash with alcohol?


Our free community forum will give parents practical, easy to use ways to talk to kids about alcohol, and plenty of ideas about how to keep them safe.


The forums will be presented by Geoff Munro, Australian Drug Foundation and Leigh Bartlett, Barwon Adolescent Taskforce.


Venue: Gladstone Park Secondary College, Performing Arts Centre

Address: Taylor Drive, Gladstone Park (Melways reference: 6 A10)

Date: Wednesday 18 April 2012


Time: 7pm – 9pm (tea and coffee from 6.45pm)


To register, visit the website:

Developing an inhalant misuse community strategy – resource update

ADCA’s National Inhalants Information Service (NIIS) has released the second edition of the popular publication, Developing an inhalant misuse community strategy.  Written by Dr Sarah MacLean of Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, the updated booklet details strategies in addressing the issue of inhalant misuse at the community level.  It also provides examples of past successful campaigns undertaken by five communities from around Australia.

The booklet is available to download at

NSW Health Drug and Alcohol Research Grants Program 2012/13

The NSW Ministry of Health, Mental Health and Drug and Alcohol Office (MHDAO) invites applications for funding under the 2012/13 Drug and Alcohol Research Grants Program.


The Research Grants Program supports innovation in drug and alcohol research in NSW, and provides 12 month funding for small research projects under the following categories:


Category 1: Applicants with 5 or more years experience in research. MHDAO is particularly interested in receiving applications in this category that focus on:

  • Pharmaceutical opioids;
  • Intersections and collaborations across specialist and primary care sectors in drug and alcohol service delivery; and
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population groups.

Category 2: Applicants with less than 5 years experience in research and who are currently working in a NSW Drug and Alcohol Service.


All applications must be completed in accordance with the MHDAO Research Guidelines and submitted on the MHDAO Research Application Form.


Applications must be received by close of business (5:00pm) Friday 18 May 2012


For further enquiries please visit the MHDAO Research web page or email


Jobs: Policy and Project Officer, Canberra ACT

The Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) is the principal advisory body to government on drug and alcohol policy and services and is currently seeking to fill the position  of POLICY AND PROJECT OFFICER within its Secretariat office based in Canberra.


This is a full time position that offers a unique opportunity to work as part of a small team supporting the ANCD in its work on national drug and alcohol issues.  A salary of up to $60,000 (plus super) is offered and salary packaging is available.


For an information package, including selection criteria please contact Gabrielle at the ANCD Secretariat on 02 61669600 or email or visit the website


Applications close Friday 27 April 2012 and should be addressed to:


Denise Gilchrist


Australian National Council on Drugs

PO Box 205