Author Archives: James

2015 APSAD Awards – Call For Nominations

APSAD is now calling for nominations for the 2015 APSAD Awards.

The Annual APSAD Awards for Excellence in Science, Research and Practice are designed to provide peer recognition for those working in the drug and alcohol field in Australasia.

We have revamped the APSAD Awards for the second year in a row and we are pleased to announce the inclusion of the new Mentor Award for any individual with an energy, passion and commitment for mentoring and supporting the career development of clinicians, researchers or students., see the Information Pack on the website for more information and the nomination process.

There are five categories of Award:

  • Early Career
  • Senior Scientist
  • First Peoples
  • Clinician
  • Mentor

All five Awards reflect excellence in the application of theory and knowledge to any aspect of drug and alcohol use or misuse. Recipients of the APSAD Awards will be recognised as having made an outstanding contribution to reducing the harms associated with alcohol and other drug use in Australasia.

Each Award receives;

  • A plaque and a certificate
  • $1,000 to subsidise the costs of attending this year’s APSAD Conference, including travel, accommodation and registration
  • One year subscription full membership to APSAD

The Early Career Award receives as an extra:

  • Presentation of the Early Career Keynote address at the 2015 APSAD Conference in Perth

The Awards will be presented at the 2015 APSAD Conference Dinner in Perth on 10th November.

Focus of the Awards
  • The Early Career Awardis for excellence in research relative to career opportunities
  • The Senior Scientist Award is for a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of substance use and misuse
  • The First Peoples Awardrecognises an individual that had made and important contribution to the advancement of the health of Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or Māori peoples
  • The Clinician Awardrecognises excellence and leadership in clinical practice in the field of substance use in any discipline
  • The Mentor Awardrecognises an individual who has made an important contribution to mentoring and supporting the career development of clinicians, researchers or students

The Awards are designed to;

  • acknowledge significant contributions to AOD science, practice, and mentorship;
  • recognise and support young scientists and clinicians with exceptional potential; and
  • provide role models for future generations of Australasian AOD scientists and clinicians

For further information and to obtain the Information pack and the nomination form, visit the APSAD Awards page on the APSAD Website or contact the APSAD Office:

Ph:     (02) 9252-2287


Nominations are due by 17:00 4 September 2015

Jobs: Project Officer – Sydney

Part time: 30.4 hours per week (4 days)

12 months contract with possibility of extension

Salary range from $51,331 to $62,251 pro rata (depending on experience) + superannuation contribution + eligibility for salary packaging

The Network of Alcohol and other Drug Agencies (NADA) is the peak organisation for the non government alcohol and other drugs sector in NSW. Our goal is to advance and support non government alcohol and other drugs organisations in NSW to reduce the alcohol and drug related harm to individuals, families and the community.

If you have demonstrated experience managing projects, understand the non government alcohol and other drugs (or broader health and community) sector, and have experience in events and/or grants management we would like to hear from you. The successful candidate for this position will have highly organised administrative skills, possess strong written and verbal communication skills, and have ability the ability to engage with a diverse range of stakeholders.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are encouraged to apply.

The Position Description can be downloaded here.

Guide to Applying for NADA Positions can be downloaded here.

All applicants must:

o   Provide a cover letter as part of their application

o   Address the essential and desirable criteria, detailing how they best meet the criteria

o   Provide a curriculum vitae with references.

Contact Robert Stirling or ph. 8113 1320 for more information.

Please forward all applications to

Closing date for applications is COB Friday 14 August 2015

Bloody Serious Facts Hepatitis C Workshop

Bloody Serious Facts Hepatitis C Workshop

Wednesday August 12th

9:30am – 1:30pm

At Hepatitis Victoria Suit 5

200 Sydney Road Brunswick

Bloody Serious Facts is a Hepatitis C workshop designed for drug and alcohol workers, community health staff, prison staff, welfare workers, health students and anyone working with people who are at risk of or caring for someone affected by hepatitis C. Topics covered will include transmission risks, improved treatments, management and care of people living with chronic hepatitis C.

This workshop is delivered in partnership with Harm Reduction Victoria and St Vincent’s Health. The course is free to Hepatitis Victoria members or $25 per person for non-members. (Up to two free members per organisation per membership term.)

For bookings and further enquiries, call (03) 9380 4644 or email

ACT launch of Women Want to Know

Just one week to the ACT launch of Women Want to Know on 12 August 2015 – RSVP today!

Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Simon Corbell MLA, will launch the Women Want To Know campaign in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), together with the release of new research from the University of Canberra which explores women’s views of alcohol consumption during pregnancy.

Women Want to Know encourages health professionals to discuss alcohol and pregnancy with women who are pregnant or planning pregnancy and provide advice that is consistent with the National Health and Medical Research Council Alcohol Guidelines. The campaign is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and supported by the ACT Government under the ACT Health Promotion Innovation Fund.

Event details:

Date: Wednesday 12 August

Time: 12.30pm lunch and networking opportunity. 1pm start and 2pm finish.

Venue: ACT Legislative Assembly, Reception Room, 196 London Circuit, Canberra City

RSVP to Glenis Thomas at or 02 6122 8600.

Check out the program at

Archive for ANCD and NIDAC Documents

In December 2014, the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) and the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee (NIDAC) were defunded which led to the closing of their websites. The content from the ANCD and NIDAC websites have been archived by ATODA and is now available for download on the ATODA website at
To download content from the ANCD website, go to:
To download content from the NIDAC website, go to:

Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) Conference 2016

International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) Conference 16-18 May, 2016 Sydney Australia


In May 2016, the annual International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP) conference will be held in Sydney for the first time. This event attracts the leading drug policy scientists and researchers from across the globe, and is a multi-disciplinary conference, as befits the study of drug policy. Previous conferences have included sessions on:

Analysis of drug markets

Comparative policy analysis

Evaluation of local/municipal drug policies

Economic analyses of drug policies

Global drug policy reforms

Historical analyses of drug policy

Cannabis markets: medicinal cannabis, cannabis legalisation

Evaluation of drug trafficking

The programs from past ISSDP conferences can be found at:

The aims of the 2016 ISSDP conference are to:

  • Present original scientific research on drug policy;
  • Create opportunities for vigorous discussion and debate about findings and methods;
  • Provide an environment conducive for networking and the establishment of new collaborations;
  • Provide a stimulus for delegates to publish their work in journals; and
  • Inform policy makers about the latest scientific evidence underpinning drug policy.

More details about the ISSDP conference style can be found at:

The key dates for the 2016 Sydney conference are:

Call for abstracts                                               2 November 2015

Deadline for abstracts submission            15 January 2016

Notification of abstract acceptance          19 February 2016

Close of early bird registration                   25 March 2016

Deadline for submission of full papers    8 April 2016

Conference                                                        16-18 May 2016


We very much hope you will participate in this conference.

For more details about the Society (ISSDP) see:

The conference website is:


Methamphetamine Treatment: Workforce Study

The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) at Flinders University is conducting a workforce development study to:

• Explore the views and experiences of AOD workers about the challenges involved in working with methamphetamine clients

• Gauge the professional development needs of AOD workers in identifying and responding to methamphetamine-related issues

• Identify appropriate professional development support strategies to enhance the skills of AOD sector workers in responding to methamphetamine clients.

NCETA is looking for views and experiences of dealing with methamphetamine-related issues in AOD service settings. To achieve this, they have developed an online questionnaire to share thoughts about some of the challenges confronting frontline workers and professional development needs concerning this issue.

It should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. Please be assured that any information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

This project is being undertaken in collaboration with each of the state and territory peak AOD non-government organisation bodies.

The results from this survey will be used to improve the provision of professional development support strategies for alcohol and other drug workers about the effects of methamphetamine, and dealing with methamphetamine clients, which in turn will allow the development of best practice tailored treatment responses.

This research project has been approved by Flinders University’s Social and Behavioural Research Ethics Committee. The Secretary of the Committee can be contacted by e-mail:

Completion of this survey signifies consent to participate in this study.

If you have any questions or would like more information about this study please contact Allan Trifonoff via phone: 08-8201 7511 or e-mail:

To complete the survey, go to:

NCETA Knowledgebase Expands: Cannabis Added

The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) is pleased to announce that the National Alcohol and Drug Knowledgebase (NADK), developed with support from the Australian Government Department of Health, has now been expanded to include Cannabis.

A new section of the NADK has been developed that specifically focusses on Cannabis. The Cannabis Section of the NADK was launched on Monday 27 July 2015 and can be accessed from: and also from the NCETA homepage:

The NADK is the only publicly accessible, centrally located source of comprehensive alcohol and drug data.  It utilises a diverse range of reliable data sources and presents key information in a simple, easy to use format.

The Cannabis Section of the NADK includes 88 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on:

  • General information and attitudes
  • Cannabis use patterns
  • Cannabis and employment
  • Cannabis and crime
  • The impact of cannabis use on physical and mental health
  • Treatment
  • Cannabis and young people.


In expanding the Knowledgebase, NCETA has examined all relevant and reliable Australian datasets, and extracted key data or undertaken additional analyses to ensure that the best information is available and readily accessible.


As new data becomes available the NADK will be revised and updated to ensure that current and reliable information is accessible.


The Alcohol Section of the NADK has also been updated to include more recently available data.


NCETA continues to expand the NADK and information about methamphetamine will be available shortly.

Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: webinar


Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: how do they affect young people?


July 30, 2015: 2PM AEST
with Dr Cath Chapman

Did you know that…?

~ Co-occurring anxiety, depression and substance use disorders are among the leading causes of burden in people ages 15-24

~ There are some important differences among girls and boys in terms of which disorders co-occur and which set of problems develops first

~ Around the world, girls are catching up to boys in terms of alcohol and cannabis use


This webinar will present an update on research into co-occurring mental and substance use disorders among young people in Australia. It will ask: how many young people experience co-occurring mental and substance use disorders? What is the impact? And what are the implications for research, prevention and treatment? It will include a discussion of some recent trends in drug and alcohol use among young Australians, changing gender patterns across the world, and will raise some questions for future directions in research and prevention of mental and substance use disorders. This webinar will draw on the latest research to provide a big picture view of the changing landscape of mental and substance use disorders in Australia and what it means for young people.


Key Learning Objectives

Participants of this webinar will:

  1. Learn about patterns of co-occurring mental and substance use disorders among young people in Australia
  2. Explore how these patterns are changing
  3. Discuss the implications for research, prevention and treatment


– Register Here –

Research Study: Families of Alcoholics

From the University of Canberra:


Finding Solutions That Lead To Serenity

 We are conducting a study to examine the coping styles and treatment experiences of family members of alcoholics. This survey is open to people aged 18 years and over, who have been affected by someone else’s drinking, and who have attended an online or face-to-face Al-Anon meeting. It is expected to take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Your participation will help us to understand and support family members’ recovery from the emotional and psychosocial effects of alcoholism.

The online survey is available at the following link:

Please note that submission of the survey constitutes your consent to participate.

Completion of this study is entirely voluntary. You may stop participating at any time. If you feel uncomfortable in providing an answer to any question, you can leave it blank. If any question causes you concern or distress you may wish to contact one of the following:

  • Alcohol and Drug 24 hour helpline – 02 6207 9977 (ACT Government Counselling Service)
  • Lifeline – 13 11 14
  • Al-Anon Family Groups – 1300 252 666
  • Family Drug Support Line – 1300 368 186
  • DIRECTIONS ACT – (02) 6132 4800

This study will be used to produce a written thesis. This is a curriculum requirement of the Master of Clinical Psychology program at the University of Canberra.

The data collected for the study will be treated as confidential. Your name is not required. Data will be stored electronically on a password protected computer and accessed only by the researchers involved in this project. No individual cases will be reported as part of the analysis of this data.

This study has been approved by the University of Canberra Human Research Ethics Committee.

If you wish to receive a summary of results of this study please provide your email address at the completion of the online survey. Please note that this personal information will be kept separate to your responses from the main survey.

 If you have any questions or comments about this study, please contact Mylie Sell, Master of Clinical Psychology student (, or her research supervisor Dr Lynne Magor-Blatch ( 

Thank you for taking part in this study.  Your participation is appreciated.