Author Archives: James

National picture of ice in Australia: get the report

The Hon Michael Keenan MP

Minister for Justice

25 March 2015

Australian Crime Commission’s first report into national picture of ice in Australia

Our nation’s addiction to this mind-eating, personality-distorting, life-ending drug is undermining the social fabric of communities, and paying big dividends to the organised criminal syndicates that are profiting from its misery.

In recent years we’ve seen the creep of ice use stretch across the nation, with individuals from all levels of society succumbing to its depravity.

Ice causes psychosis and long term psychological issues, is linked to violent criminal attacks against innocent bystanders, road deaths, robberies and vicious assaults against frontline health or law enforcement responders.

Given the gravity of the problem, the Australian Crime Commission (ACC) has developed the first unclassified intelligence picture of the threat posed by ice to our nation, which I’m releasing today with ACC Chief Executive Officer, Chris Dawson, in Canberra.

The report provides a national picture of Australia’s ice market and outlines the role of organised crime in the supply, distribution and use of ice.

It also details law enforcement efforts of unprecedented seizures and an increase in the weight of detected methylamphetamine and precursor chemicals used in its manufacture.

These are the efforts of Australia’s law enforcement agencies including the Australian Federal Police’s National Anti-Gang Squad – fast tracked by the Coalition in 2013, intelligence gathered by the ACC’s Australian Gangs Intelligence Coordination Centre opened by the Coalition in 2013, and an $88 million boost in funding from the Coalition to screening at Australian borders.

But despite these efforts the entrenched, evolving and lucrative organised criminal market for the production, distribution and use of ice, has been the catalyst for the mounting harm and havoc inflicted on our communities.

The report confirms ice poses the greatest threat to the Australian public of all illicit drug types.

We’re hearing everyday a new story of how ice is ruining lives, destroying families, and hurting communities.

The report says:

* Australian illicit drug users pay a premium price for most illicit drugs compared to prices in key foreign markets ($80US in China for a gram compared to $500US in Australia for the same amount) making our country an attractive marketplace for the manufacture and importation of methylamphetamine;

* more than 60 per cent of Australia’s highest risk serious and organised crime targets are profiting from the misery of ice to the detriment of the economic and social fabric our communities;

* there are concerning trends including the increased availability and use of methylamphetamine in areas where the drug has not previously been prevalent – particularly regional, rural and disadvantaged communities; and

* serious and organised crime groups, are mixing other illicit drugs into methylamphetamine in an attempt to increase addiction levels and maintain the consumer base.

Significant border detections, national seizures and arrests highlight the continued focus by our law enforcement agencies on the response – but ice is not solely an issue for law enforcement.

The purpose of this report is to help shape Australia’s understanding of the methylamphetamine market and the challenges posed, so we can focus our collective efforts to combat this national harm.

The fight against ice is for everyone – governments, law enforcement agencies, health, education, industry, non-government organisations, community leaders, parents, colleagues, teachers and peers.

I want to thank the ACC for the work that has been done on this report, for providing this advice to the Government which I will be taking to my ministerial colleagues to advance our collective efforts to combat this national harm.

The report can be found here:

Australian Crime Commission

25 Mar 2015

Exercise for cannabis withdrawal treatment

Study Recruiting Now!! Exercise for cannabis withdrawal treatment

This is a 7 day inpatient cannabis detoxification study with an innovative daily exercise regime.

The study takes place at Concord Repatriation General Hospital in Sydney, and we are looking for cannabis users who are seeking help to reduce their use or quit.

Details of this study and how to get in touch can be found here:

Alternatively please feel free to download a copy of the recruitment poster and place it in your treatment facility or link to any of our recruitment materials through your webpage:

We are looking for people who need help with their cannabis use – please forwards them on.

Consumer Participation Training for Consumers (Victoria)

APSU has been delivering the Experts by Experience – training in consumer participation for consumers – since 2007. This training module is one of the main strategic components of APSU’s task to increase consumer participation in Victoria’s AOD treatment services.

The next Experts by Experience training will be held on 16 – 17 April 2015. In this training round we would mainly like to provide the opportunity for those service users that are currently engaged in some participation activities, but have not had the opportunity to attend the relevant training. We particularly encourage all service providers that have one or two active consumers to seize this training opportunity.

There is a limited number of places. We will conduct a brief telephone interview with each applicant before final enrolment.

To apply or for any further information contact or (03) 9573 1776.

Application should contain the following information:
– Full name
– Contact telephone and e-mail
– Address
– Organisation or project that you are participating in

Final date for applications is Friday, 27 March 2015.

This training will be held at SHARC 140 Grange Road Carnegie

This training is free of charge. A light lunch will be provided.

Training schedule

Thursday, 16 April
10.30 – 12.30 Consumer Participation
12.30 – 1 Lunch
1 – 3 Victoria’s AOD Service System

Friday, 17 April
10.30 – 12.30 Advocacy and Human Rights
12.30 – 1 Lunch
1 – 3 Meetings and Consumer Boundaries

PHAMS and MH Respite Get Funding Extension

Via the ANCD:

The Abbott Government is to extend funding for two programs that provide support for people with a mental illness and their carers.

The Government says organisations that currently receive funding to provide services under the Personal Helpers and Mentors program will have their contracts extended to 30 June 2016. Funding was due to cease on 30 June 2015 Providers who deliver services under the Mental Health Respite: Carer Support program will also have their funding extended.

The Government says the funding includes more than $136 million from 30 June 2015 to 30 June 2016, extending:

166 PHaMs services in 2015-16, committing more than $82 million; and
197 MHR:CS services in 2015-16, committing more than $54 million.

Assistant Minister for Social Services, Senator Mitch Fifield said the funding extension will ensure supports are maintained as the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme continues across the country.

“In 2013-14 Personal Helpers and Mentors services assisted more than 18,500 people severely impacted by mental illness. In the same period the Mental Health Respite: Carer Support services assisted more than 40,400 carers of people severely impacted by mental illness and their families through respite, education and group activities.”

“The Australian Government is committed to supporting people who are severely impacted by mental illness, as well as those who care for them,” Minister Fifield said.

“The extension of these contracts will ensure people living with mental illness and those who care for them can still access these support services.”

The Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs) program offers one-to-one support to people aged 16 and over who are severely impacted by mental illness.

“To deliver maximum flexibility for PHaMs providers as they prepare to operate in an open market under the NDIS, some funding arrangements may change to adapt to the NDIS model,” Minister Fifield said.

“The Mental Health Respite: Carer Support program helps carers of people with mental illness to improve their wellbeing and enable them to maintain their important caring role.” Minister Fifield said there will be no immediate changes for Mental Health Respite: Carer Support providers. Changes can be expected over time as the transition to NDIS continues, to ensure there are effective supports for families and carers in their caring roles. “This one-year funding extension will help ensure a smooth transition to the NDIS for these services,” Minister Fifield said.

Jobs: Senior Research Officer – Sydney NSW

Job opportunity: Senior Research Officer

The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) invites applications for the position of Senior Research Officer. This position will involve the coordination of the National Opioid Medication Abuse Deterrence (NOMAD) study.

To our knowledge, the NOMAD study is one of the most comprehensive and transparently-conducted studies conducted to-date of the potential impact of an opioid medication upon use, tampering and diversion. Results have the potential to inform policymakers, clinicians, consumers and researchers alike. Further information on the study may be found at

The successful applicant will have a relevant degree in behavioural sciences, statistics or epidemiology; Capacity to work as a key member of a team and liaise with other agencies and professionals; Proven high-level organisational skills and ability to adapt to changing priorities; Demonstrated skills in data management, statistical design and analysis; and excellent communication and interpersonal skills.

This is a full-time, fixed term (35 hours per week) position available for 12 months. The position is based at NDARC, Randwick Campus, University of New South Wales.

Applicants should systematically address the selection criteria in their online application via the UNSW website at

Application close: 9 February 2015

NSW Election Forum

The NSW ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance (NAAPA) invites you to the 2015 NAAPA Alcohol Policy Election Forum on 5 March 2015

On Saturday 28 March 2015, New South Wales (NSW) will head to the polls for the State Election. If elected, do you know what your local MP intends to do to address alcohol harms?

NAAPA, an alliance of health, community, law enforcement, emergency services and research organisations, is holding an Election Forum to allow representatives of NSW political parties to put forward their plans to reduce alcohol harms in NSW.

Join members of NAAPA at the Election Forum to hear from your political representatives and raise important questions about alcohol policy.

This event is open to members of the public, if you are interested please register at .

More information about the event, including a full program of speakers, will be released shortly

Event details

Date: Thursday 5 March 2015
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Venue: Salvation Army’s Sydney Congress Hall Function Centre 140 Elizabeth Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
Register at Eventbrite or call Helen Cannon at FARE on (02) 6122 8600

NAAPA members will be tweeting live from the event, so use #NAAPA to join the conversation.

Grey Matters National Conference 2015

The National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA) is pleased to announce that in 2015 it will host a national conference on identifying, preventing and responding to alcohol and other drug problems among older Australians.

The Grey Matters National Conference will be held on:

Wednesday 1 April 2015 9am – 5pm at the Marion Cultural Centre, 287 Diagonal Road, Oaklands Park, Adelaide.

The Conference aims to:

· Promote better understanding, and raise awareness of, alcohol and other drug issues as they impact older Australians

· Clarify the implications, for the aged care sector and the alcohol and other drug prevention / treatment sector, of trends in alcohol and drug use among older Australians

· Identify possible ways forward for cross-sectoral initiatives and response strategies.

Who should attend?

· Aged care service providers (community and residential) and policy staff

· Alcohol and other drug prevention, treatment and policy staff

· Primary care workers with a role in meeting the health and welfare needs of older Australians

A Conference flyer can be downloaded from:

More details will be provided early in 2015.

First European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies

Lisbon Addictions 2015
23-25 September

The first European Conference on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies will be held in Lisbon on 23–25 September 2015. This conference is organised by SICAD (Portuguese General Directorate for Intervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies), the journal Addiction, the EMCDDA (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction) and ISAJE (International Society of Addiction Journal Editors).

It will provide a unique networking opportunity for researchers, practitioners and policy experts across countries and disciplines to discuss latest findings on the prevention, treatment and control of addiction.

A call for abstracts has just been published on

You can also keep updated on latest developments through the conference newsletter, which you may subscribe on

Please accept our apologies if you have received this message more than once and do not hesitate to contact us or send an email to should you have any questions.

Jobs: CEO of NUAA – Sydney NSW

Chief Executive Officer 


Permanent Full-Time Position 

  • Are you a dedicated individual with experience and passion for making a difference to people who use and inject drugs?
  • Do you have an energetic and inclusive operational and leadership style? 
  • Do you have a proven track record in developing relationships across the community, Blood Borne Virus Sector, NSW Government and key stakeholders? 

If you answered YES to the above questions then NUAA could be a place for you to work.


The Organisation

NUAA is the state wide drug user organisation which aims to advance the rights, health and dignity of people who use and inject drugs.


The Role

Reporting to the Board of Governance, this role is responsible for leading and managing NUAA’s services and programs.   This will include:

  • Human Resource Management
  • Organisation planning, policy, development and quality improvement
  • Program, project and service delivery management
  • Advocacy, media and public relations
  • Representation, liaison and building NUAA membership
  • Financial and administrative management
  • Partnershipbuilding
  • Fundraising



For more information about the role, please contact Andrew Herning, Corporate Services Manager, on telephone (02) 8354 7300.


Salary and Conditions

Wage Range $99, 564 – $113, 141 per annum.

Attractive salary packaging and enhancements are available – as a health promotions charity NUAA can provide access to non-taxable fringe benefit salary packaging.


How to apply for this job

For all the details, download the Chief Executive Officer job pack at request an information package by calling NUAA switch on (02) 8354 7300 or e-mail,au


Closing Date

Applications close on Wednesday 10 December 2014, 5.00pm.

Interviews will be held on 16 and/or 17 December 2014.

Summer ’14 Alcohol Summit

In Queensland and passionate about reducing harm from alcohol?

Come along to the Summer ’14 Alcohol Summit being held by the Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol (QCAA) and participate in this workshop discussion led by a panel of experts on the impacts of alcohol. The Summer’14 Alcohol Summit will look at the harms and impacts that alcohol has across a range of different areas including alcohol related violence, health impacts and the impact to society.

The Summer’14 Alcohol Summit will look at the harms and impacts that alcohol has across a range of different areas including alcohol related violence, health impacts and the impact to society.

This workshop discussion will be led by a panel of the following experts

  • Professor Jake Najman, Director, Queensland Alcohol and Drug Research and Education Centre
  • Dr Richard Kidd, Australian Medical Association Qld, and
  • Mrs Gloria Steenson with a personal account of the devastating impacts of alcohol related violence.
  • Dr Dennis Young, Executive Director, Healthy Options Australia (Master of Ceremonies)

The effects of excess alcohol use are far reaching and this workshop will focus on what practical measures can be taken to ensure the safety and wellbeing of individuals and communities.

Lunch will be available at the Speakers Green BBQ Area following the workshop.


Follow the link to find about more and register:


To find out more about QCAA, go to