Author Archives: James

Jobs: Teachers – OTEN Strathfield

OTEN is looking for part-time casual teachers of community services with experience in AOD and/or mental health. Opportunities for off-site marking may also be available.


Part-time Casual/Contract Teachers of Community Services

Casual Teaching

Location:  OTEN Strathfield


Selection Criteria:


  • Note: As a minimum teaching qualification, Teachers must hold the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110).  From 1 July 2014, all new teachers will be required to have completed the module Address Adult LLN Skills (TAELLN411) from the TAE40110 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.




  • Relevant qualifications at degree level or equivalent and experience working in a community services role in more than one of the following areas:

Mental Health, AOD, Community Development; Community Work; Welfare; Youth Work,




  • A minimum of two years’ work in community services, at least part of which has been gained within the last 18 months, relevant to the AOD and/or mental health sector, and requiring a social justice framework of practice.


If eligible you would need to complete a short course called “Teaching by Distance” which aims to provide information specific to distance learners and an understanding of marking assessment tasks and providing feedback.  There is no cost to this course and can be completed online/by distance.


Please forward a CV, copies of qualifications and any other relevant information to Leon Fernandes or call 02 9715-8456 if you have any questions.

Seeking Cannabis Users for Study

The University of Sydney is launching recruitment on two research studies with cannabis users and we would appreciate your help in advertising our studies as widely as possible.


Study 1: Exercise for cannabis withdrawal treatment


This is a 7 day inpatient cannabis detoxification study with an innovative daily exercise regime overlaid onto normal detoxification treatment.

The study takes place at Concord Repatriation General Hospital in Sydney, and we are looking for cannabis users who are seeking help to reduce their use or quit.


Details of this study and how to get in touch can be found here:


Alternatively please feel free to download a copy of the recruitment poster and place it in your treatment facility or link to any of our recruitment materials through your webpage:



Study 2: Cannabis use and Pain experiment recruiting now


This is a ½ day experimental pain study recruiting both cannabis users, and non-cannabis using controls.

The study takes place at the Langton Centre in Surry Hills, Sydney, and uses the cold pressor (icy water bath) pain model to compare the two groups.

Details of this study and how to get in touch can be found here:

Alternatively please feel free to download a copy of the recruitment poster and place it in your facility or link to any of our recruitment materials through your webpage:

Drug Use and Families Survey


Do you work with family members affected by the dependent drug or alcohol use of a relative?


The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) at the University of New South Wales is conducting a study to examine the impact of drug use on family members.


The study is via an online survey ( and only takes 20 minutes to complete. All information is confidential and the study has received ethical approval from UNSW (HREC: HC14129).


Over 100 people have completed the survey so far but now we need your help; if you work with family members aged 18+ who have been affected by the drug or alcohol use of a relative please invite them to take part in the survey.


If you would like any further information please contact Dr Marian Shanahan at the University of New South Wales: (02) 8936 1215 or


Many thanks for your help.


Link to survey:

Jobs: NSEP Workers, Western Australia


3 Positions


  1. NSEP Co-ordinator, 35 hours per week, (negotiable up to 38hrs)
  2. Youth Outreach Worker, part-time 25 hours per week
  3. Dedicated NSEP Worker, 35 hours per week, (negotiable up to 38hrs)



The Western Australian Substance Users Association (WASUA) is a state-wide, peer based community organisation that aims to improve the health and social circumstances of people who use both licit and illicit substances in WA. Programs and services are delivered within a social health and community development framework underpinned by harm reduction and peer education. Services include a fixed site Needle Syringe Exchange Program (NSEP) in Perth & Bunbury, mobile NSEP in the South West, Health Clinic, Drug Treatment & Referral Service, Safe Disposal, Community Education & Hepatitis C Resource Project, Opioid Pharmacotherapy Advocacy & Complaints Service (ORPACS), Outreach NSEP program, Peer-administered Naloxone & Overdose Prevention and Management programs, Aboriginal Community Engagement team etc.


WASUA is an accredited agency against the WANADA Standard on Culturally Secure Practice (AOD).



NSEP Co-ordinator

WASUA is seeking a full-time (35 hours per week), suitably qualified worker to manage the Perth fixed site NSEP and NSEP team. The successful candidate will be part of the WASUA Management Team and have leadership and supervision skills & experience, an understanding of harm reduction and sound knowledge of the issues related to injecting & illicit drug use, excellent organisational & administrative skills and a commitment to consumer focused service provision and continuous quality improvement.Salary is in accordance with the Federal SCHCDS Industry Award Level 7/8 range, commensurate with experience (salary packaging is available).


Youth Outreach Worker

WASUA is seeking a part-time (25 hours per week), suitably qualified worker for the Outreach Team. The successful candidate will have an understanding of harm reduction, a sound knowledge and understanding of the issues related to injecting & illicit drug use as experienced by young people, hepatitis C and other BBV’s, education/training & resource development, excellent interpersonal skills including community development, computer competency & report writing skills and a current drivers’ license. Salary is in accordance with the Federal SCHCDS Industry Award Level 5 range, commensurate with experience (salary packaging is available).



Dedicated NSEP Worker

WASUA is seeking a full-time (35 hours per week), suitably qualified worker for the NSEP Team. The successful candidate will work on the Perth fixed site NSEP and have an understanding of harm reduction, a sound knowledge and understanding of the issues related to injecting & illicit drug use, hepatitis C and other BBV’s, education/training & resource development, excellent customer service and interpersonal skills including community development, computer competency & report writing skills and a current drivers’ license. Salary is in accordance with the Federal SCHCDS Industry Award Level 5 range, commensurate with experience (salary packaging is available).



For a copy of the application package/s please contact Gari-Emma Parry at WASUA on (08) 9321 2877 or email For more information regarding the positions please contact Louise Grant at WASUA on (08) 9321 2877 or email


Only those that address the selection criteria provided in the application package will be considered.


WASUA is prepared to negotiate hours with the right applicant


Applications close on Monday 27th October 2014. WASUA is an equal opportunity employer.

Great Article on Medical Cannabis

I highly recommend you check out this article from Dr David Allsop on medical cannabis. It’s also worth noting that at the bottom of the article there’s a call for recruits for two studies:

We’re currently recruiting participants for two cannabinoid research studies in Sydney. The first is looking at regular, non-treatment seeking cannabis users to help us understand the role of the endocannabinoid system in pain perception, while the other is recruiting people who need help with problematic cannabis use, examining the effects of daily exercise on endocannabinoid release and stored THC.

Peer Helper Training Course

Association of Participating Service APSU will run the next Peer Helper Training course from 18 November – 5 December 2014. We invite people with the personal experience of problematic substance use, with or without mental health issues, to apply for this free training by 20 October 2014. The application will be followed by an individual assessment of each applicant before the final confirmation of enrolment.

APSU has been successfully running the Peer Helper Training since 2005. This training is designed to put a professional frame on participants’ lived experience. It particularly enables people who have had a disrupted education to test the waters, build their self-esteem, skill and knowledge level. Indeed, many people who have been through the Peer Helper Training have then undertaken further education or other socially engaging activities.

In addition, APSU will cover travel expenses for up to four participants from rural areas.

The flyer with all further information is available at

The story of alcohol use in pregnancy

Via the ADCA Update list:

The story of alcohol use in pregnancy

As outlined in the FARE e-news on 3 Oct we are pleased to release our new training video ‘The story of alcohol use in pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders’. This is a ‘must watch’ for anyone that is involved in the care and education of children.

The video was written and narrated by one of Australia’s leaders in the field, paediatrician Professor Elizabeth Elliott from the University of Sydney, and filmed by cinematographer Melanie Hogan.

It explains the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and provides an invaluable overview of FASD – its characteristics, diagnosis and prevention.

If you would like a hard copy, the DVD can be ordered from the FARE online shop for free (excluding postage costs), or you can view it in full online through our Vimeo channel.

Watch ‘The story of alcohol use in pregnancy’ online

Substance Use and Mental Health Guidelines Discussion


The NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use (CREMS) at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Health to update and revise the Guidelines on the management of co-occurring alcohol and other drug and mental health conditions in alcohol and other drug treatment settings’.

Originally published in 2009, this hugely popular resource aimed to provide alcohol and other drug (AOD) workers with evidence-based information on the management of comorbid mental health conditions in AOD settings. Since publication in December 2009, over 10,000 hard-copies and electronic copies have been distributed to clinicians and treatment services across Australia.

This revision will bring the Guidelines up to date with the most current evidence. The project is being undertaken by Dr Christina Marel, A/Prof Katherine Mills, Prof Maree Teesson, Mr Mark Deady, Dr Frances Kay-Lambkin, and Prof Amanda Baker.

We would be delighted if members of the alcohol and other drugs sector would be interested in participating in a discussion forum to help inform the revision process.  We are hoping that the forum will be attended by a variety of interested stakeholders including academic experts, clinicians, consumers and carers.

The discussion forum will convene on Tuesday, 11 November 2014, from 2 to 5pm at Meeting Room 3 at the Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide.  During the forum we will discuss the content of the Guidelines with a particular focus on how we could improve upon the existing resource. A copy of the existing Guidelines is available for download on the CREMS website (, and will be distributed at the forum meeting for consideration.

If you are interested in participating as a discussion forum member, please RSVP to Dr Christina Marel ( to register by 5pm Friday 3rd October.


PHAA recognises Public Health Leaders

From the PHAA:


Public health experts and practitioners from around the country and overseas have come together for the Public Health Association of Australia’s (PHAA) 43rd Annual Conference in Perth.  The contributions of outstanding leaders in the field of public health have been recognised at an awards ceremony this evening.

Sidney Sax Medallist: Professor Tarun Weeramanthri

“The Sidney Sax Public Health Medal is the Association’s pre-eminent prize.  PHAA bestows this competitive award annually on a person who has provided a notable contribution to the protection and promotion of public health, solving public health problems, advancing community awareness of public health measures and advancing the ideals and practice of equity in the provision of health care.  This year’s winner is Professor Tarun Weeramanthri,” said Michael Moore, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the PHAA.

“Professor Weeramanthri is among the longest-serving Chief Health Officers in Australia, with more than ten years combined at the helm across the Northern Territory and Western Australia.  He is a highly-respected and accomplished individual and an exemplar of the 21st century Chief Health Officer: scholar, physician, and advocate for health.  His steadfast commitment to social justice, his dogged determination in championing preventive health and investment by governments, his capacity to embrace and lead change and his ability to infuse the same passion for – and commitment to – public health in others are exceptional.  Most remarkable is his unwavering commitment to public service, his faith and knowledge of what good can be achieved through working in government and his personal endeavours in making a difference to the lives and wellbeing of communities he has – and continues to – serve,” said Mr Moore.

Public Health Mentor of the Year Award: Professor Melanie Wakefield and Associate Professor Stephen Lambert

The highly regarded Public Health Mentor of the Year Award has also been presented to dual winners this evening – Professor Melanie Wakefield and Associate Professor Stephen Lambert.  This award is made to a senior member of PHAA who has made a significant contribution – and demonstrated outstanding dedication – to mentoring early career professionals/practitioners/students.

“Professor Melanie Wakefield is an outstanding public health leader who is probably best known for her research on the effects of tobacco control policies and programs.  Professor Wakefield’s career spans over three decades and her commitment to mentoring the next generation of public health leaders has been a hallmark of her commitment to building capacity in public health research.

“Associate Professor Stephen Lambert is a renowned epidemiologist with a primary interest in public health and communicable diseases.  Associate Professor Lambert provides an excellent example for his students and the public health staff he mentors by promoting research, education and training, professional and personal development.

“On behalf of the PHAA I’d like to congratulate Professor Weeramanthri, Professor Wakefield and Associate Professor Lambert – three of the leading lights in public health in Australia,” said Mr Moore.

2014 National Drug Trends Conference


The 2014 National Drug Trends Conference is happening on Monday 20 October. Read the program (attached) & register here.


This year’s National Drug Trends Conference will be held at the Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney on Monday, 20th October 2014 from 8.30am.

I hope you will agree we have a really exciting program this year. The National Drug Trends Conference will present recent findings in illicit drug use, markets and related harms across Australia and internationally. Convened by Australia’s largest drug monitoring systems, the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) and the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS), the one day conference will include the first release of the 2014 findings.


We are also delighted to announce that there will also be presentations from a number of distinguished international and local guest speakers, including Mr Jeremy Douglas (United Nations), Detective Sergeant Keith Randall (AFP Drug Squad), Dr Chris Hayes (John Hunter Hospital), A/Prof Nadine Ezard (St Vincent’s Hospital), Detective Superintendent Tony Cooke (NSW Police Drug Squad), Dr Karen Chronister (Kirby Institute), Ms Joanne Gerstner-Stevens (Victoria Police), Prof Simon Lenton (NDRI) Mr James Fetherston (NDRI) and Ms Kerryn Butler (NDARC).

Visitors to the museum can park all day for $13 at Harbourside Secure Parking, located at 100 Murray Street, Pyrmont. Remember to get your parking ticket stamped at the museum reception.

We look forward to seeing you there.